Minstrels Chorus


Royle School Music

Miss Kathleen Theisen, Music Teacher & Chorus (Minstrels) Director

ktheisen@darienps.org (203)655-0044 x4892

BLOG: https://sites.google.com/a/darienps.org/roylemusic/

All 4th and 5th graders from the Royle Family are invited to join the ROYLE MINSTRELS! This chorus rehearses before school every Thursday from 7:35-8:15 AM in the common room. There is no audition. In the chorus, the students will learn musicianship skills, sight-reading, vocal techniques, and much more. It is a great way for students to explore their talents as part of a ‘team’ (ensemble) and have a lot of fun along the way!


Minstrels Chorus - Thursday mornings - 7:35 - 8:105AM (Drop off: 7:20-7:35 at front door)

BEGINS ON OCTOBER 7 and ends the final week of school.

Rehearsals will automatically be cancelled if there is a delayed opening or school closing.


Veterans Day - November 11 - in-school performance (for the school)

January 19 - 9:15 AM - Winter Concert - Royle Common Room (will be live-streamed)

March 19 - Sound Tigers Game

May 23 - 7:00 PM - Spring Concert @ Darien H.S.


Darien Elementary Honors Chorus

CMEA All-State Elementary Honors Chorus

Young Musicians Festival


Do you have a conflict with Thursday mornings? Contact Ms. Theisen


We will sing a variety of music from many traditions and styles, including a lot of popular & contemporary music to go with our district-wide theme this year: "Pop Music!" We will also be incorporating some drumming, percussion, ukulele and dancing into the chorus pieces this year. It’ll be an exciting program in the upcoming months, and I hope that your child will consider participating.

The first rehearsal will be on Thursday, October 7 from 7:35 a.m. until 8:15 a.m. in the Common Room. Students must be on time to rehearsals. Please drop off at the front entrance of the school between 7:20-7:30 PM. We will start singing at 7:35 AM! Parental assistance is greatly appreciated in ensuring that each student arrives at the proper time. Please carpool if possible.

The Minstrels will perform at two concerts during the school year. The Royle Winter Concert will be held in January - TBD. The Spring Concert will be on May 23rd at 7:00 p.m. in the Darien High School Auditorium. The CHORUS may also perform at the Veteran’s Day Assembly, on the ice at the Bridgeport Sound Tigers Game on March 19th, and at other school events as opportunities arise.

There will also be an opportunity for Minstrels members to audition for the district-wide Darien Elementary Honors Chorus (DEHC), which will perform at an amusement park choral festival on a Saturday in late May/early June. Auditions will take place in January. Royle can send 15-20 students to this group.

Highly-motivated singers are also invited to audition for a state-wide elementary honors chorus, which will be held in the spring in Hartford. Auditions for this group will take place in November. Royle can only take 2-4 students to this event.It is an amazing day of rehearsals that culminate in a performance featuring over 300 students from around the state!

To join MINSTRELS, please complete this online permission form on or before October 6: https://forms.gle/8s9QFmZ2WYW5Tw638

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at Royle School: 203-655-0044 ext. 4892 or ktheisen@darienps.org. I look forward to working with our talented young musicians throughout the year!


Minstrels Chorus - Thursday mornings - 7:35 - 8:15 AM (Drop off: 7:30 at front door)

BEGINS ON OCTOBER 7 and ends the final week of school.

Rehearsals will automatically be cancelled if there is a delayed opening or school closing.


November 11 - Veterans Day - in-school performance (for the school)

January - Date TBD - Winter Concert - 9:15 AM - Royle Common Room

March 19 - Sound Tigers Game

May 23 - 7:00 PM - Spring Concert at Darien H.S.


Darien Elementary Honors Chorus

CMEA All-State Elementary Honors Chorus

Young Musicians Festival


Do you have a conflict with Thursday mornings? Contact Ms. Theisen

Sign up here: https://forms.gle/8s9QFmZ2WYW5Tw638


Ms. Kathleen Theisen

Here is the letter that was sent home:

Royle School Minstrels Chorus 2021-2022

We invite all 4th and 5th grade students to join the Royle Minstrels Chorus!

We will begin on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th at 7:35am in the COMMON ROOM.

The purpose of this contract is to establish an understanding of the student responsibilities that accompany membership in the Royle Minstrels Chorus. Please read this carefully before signing.


  • To teach students to sing properly and develop their musical and interpretive skills.

  • To help students develop an understanding and appreciation for different music styles & genres.

  • To provide students with performance opportunities.

  • To have FUN!!!! ☺


  • Be on time!!! Rehearsals are held in the Common Room on Thursday mornings from 7:35-8:15 am.
    Drop off at the front doors of the school at 7:30.

  • Participate actively and appropriately.

  • Attend all performances. Our performance schedule is as follows:

    • Tentative Holiday Concert: January 2022 - TBD (*subject to change due to the CDC and Covid guidelines!*)

    • Bridgeport Islanders (formerly called Bridgeport Sound Tigers) Hockey Game (OPTIONAL): 3/19/2022 (Webster Bank Arena - Tickets are purchased through the PTO). Combined choirs from all 5 elementary schools in Darien sing the national anthem and one other song before the game (on the ice!)

    • Spring Concert: Monday, May 23 at 7:00PM at DHS

    • There will be other opportunities for in-school performances throughout the year. We will share those with families on video.

****Failure to follow the guidelines above may result in dismissal from Chorus.****

Review this Chorus Contract with a parent/guardian & have parents sign the permission slip. When your parent/guardian has signed the slip below and filled it out completely, detach it and return it to Ms. Theisen. Keep the top part of this form in a safe place where you can easily refer to it.

I look forward to working with your children this year!

Ms. Kathleen Theisen, Royle School Music Teacher & Choral Director


BLOG: https://sites.google.com/a/darienps.org/roylemusic/home


Royle Minstrels Chorus Permission Slip (Please write clearly)

I give permission for my child to participate in Minstrels Chorus and to attend the rehearsals and concerts. I am aware that a chorus rehearsal will be cancelled in the event of a holiday or snow day/delay. In signing this permission slip, I have read the information and agree to the terms above.

Child’s Full Name _________________________________________________ Grade: ________

Parent / Guardian Signature: ________________________________ Date: ________________

E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________

OR REGISTER ONLINE AT THIS LINK: https://forms.gle/8s9QFmZ2WYW5Tw638

*E-mail & Google Classroom for Chorus will be my primary means of communication to share important chorus information and announcements.*



Black & White


The Royle Minstrels Chorus will sing at the BRIDGEPORT SOUND TIGERS game on Saturday, March 19:

The MINSTRELS CHORUS will be combining with all of the other elementary school choirs from Darien Public Schools to sing on the ice at the BRIDGEPORT SOUND TIGERS game on March 19, 2022. The game is at -pm. Gates open at -pm. We sing during one of the intermissions, so you can go sit in the stands at the beginning and the management will send someone to come and get all of the chorus kids at a specified time so that we can warmup downstairs and then go on the ice. All Royle families will be sitting in the same section (if you buy your tickets through our PTO.)

Please note: This is an optional event for Minstrels Chorus members. All students who attend need to be accompanied into the arena by a parent/guardian.

If you buy tickets through the PTO, we will all be seated together for the game. The PTO also receives part of the proceeds from each ticket. Tickets are $-- per seat (discounted from $--.) If you need financial assistance to sing at the event, please contact the Principal . Deadline to buy tickets from this link is ----- . There is also a link in the attached flyer.

It's always been a great time for everyone from the Darien schools! I hope that we can have a great turnout from Royle and from all of the schools in Darien!!!!

Here are some videos from our May 10, 2018 rehearsal.

We invited a few teachers to hear our 'performance' in our rehearsal :)

Minstrels sings at the SOUND TIGERS GAME on January 21st!