Fly over Gulf oil spill, BP belongs in front of Int'l Environment court

Post date: May 15, 2010 4:32:26 PM

Seafood is a 2.4 billion dollar industry in the state of Louisiana.The Fishing, Shrimping And Oyster Industries In The Gulf Are Being Destroyed

Tourism Along The Gulf Coast Is Now Dead

Oil spill: BP accused of using Gulf of Mexico as 'toxic testing-ground'

Louisiana officials have accused BP of turning the Gulf of Mexico into a toxic testing-ground after winning permission for experimental chemical methods of fighting the oil slick Tony Hayward, BP's chief executive officer, told WAFB Channel 9 news station that the chemical has undergone "lots of testing" and is biodegradable ???


BP's chief executive has said the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster should not mean the end of deep-water exploration. Tony Hayward BP said the US regime for oil drilling permits was already rigorous


Tony Hayward BP