UN supported BCTA to enroll low-income solar for Africa-SouthAsia

Post date: Feb 21, 2012 6:29:27 PM

Cheaper Solar Power for Africans and South Asians

SCREENSHOT businesscalltoaction.org

Up to 33 Million in Africa and Asia to Receive Access to Solar Energy

ToughStuff joins the BCtA with commitment to extend access to its low-cost,

durable solar products in 14 countries.

With headquarters in Mauritius and offices in East, West and Southern Africa, ToughStuff seeks to expand access to low-cost, durable solar panels and solar battery packs to low-income communities in 10 African countries— Burundi, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, South Sudan, Zambia and Zimbabwe— and four Southeast Asian countries—Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Nepal in the next four years

Susan Chaffin, Programme Manager for the BCtA.

we are actively building commercial partnerships with large distributors, telecommunications companies, retailers

and others with an Interest in bringing energy, along with all of its benefits, to those who don’t yet have it.”

Andrew Tanswell, CEO of ToughStuff

“Business in a Box” model,

which relies on a network of village-level entrepreneurs that are provided with training on how to sell, rent or provide access to affordable solar energy services and products.


Low-income Africans and South Asians will have access to solar power thanks to an initiative calledBusiness Call to Action (Bcta), supported by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) that encourages private sector efforts to develop inclusive business models that can have both commercial success and a positive impact in development.

source: blog.cleantechies.com

Sustainable Energy for All initiative (UN)

This initiative will help to further the goals of the UN’s Sustainable Energy for All initiative which seeks to boost access to energy while protecting ecosystems.
