China's Jiech urges West to lift sanctions against Zimbabwe Mugabe

Post date: Feb 12, 2011 12:38:48 PM

Zimbabweans and other African people have a right to choose their own development path

China's Foreign Minister Yang Jiech

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi

on Friday called on the West to lift sanctions they imposed on Zimbabwe while Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe applauded the Asian giant for its continued political and economic support.

Robert Mugabe, Hu Jintao 2010

Yuan 50m - $7.5m grant

China extended a 50 million yuan (7.5 million U.S. dollars) grant to Zimbabwe.


Starting in 2002, the European Union and the United States imposed targeted sanctions on Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe and some senior party members amid rampant reports of stifling his political opposition, human rights violations and his controversial land reform policy that has targeted white commercial farmers.

Mugabe blames the sanctions for his country's woes, which late last year included an unemployment rate of more than 90% and an inflation rate of 231,000,000%
