French ex minister Dumas defending Gbagbo's african rights

Post date: Dec 31, 2010 10:13:22 AM

French ex foreign minister Dumas

The former French minister Dumas

and a militant lawyer have arrived in Ivory Coast to support the country's increasingly isolated incumbent leader Laurent Gbagbo.

Dumas Laywer Jacques Verges:

Why is France intervening to stop African patriots ?



Economic Community of West African States


ECOWAS: 6.500 troops

Economic Community of West African States

meeting attended by military chiefs from Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Liberia, Mali, Senegal, Togo, Niger and Nigeria. ECOWAS has a standby troubleshooting force of 6,500 soldiers, which officials have said could be ready to deploy by mid-January. ECOWAS has given Gbagbo until January 3, the date of their next meeting, to respond.

Nigeria, traditionally the largest contributor of troops to peacekeeping missions in the region, also has pressing security needs at home with upcoming elections and outbursts of sectarian violence, as well as ongoing unrest over oil resources.


Côte d'Ivoire

La Cedeao entre menace et médiation

Les émissaires de l’organisation ouest-africaine retourneront à Abidjan le 3 janvier. Après les menaces de recours à la force, le Nigérian Goodluck Jonathan prône «le dialogue».
