Consumers must be integrated to unroll Smartgrids

Post date: Sep 15, 2010 6:00:33 PM

How to Drive the Smart Grid Forward: Connect with Consumers

interoperability standards

Significant progress has also been made this year standardizing smart grid technology. The National Institute of Standards and Technology's created a common smart grid framework and interoperability standards.

Energy security & electric cars

They need to understand that smart grid encompasses more than just "visible" technologies such as meters and appliances. Most people don't realize that smart grid is about making decades-old transformers more intelligent in order to minimize outages in their homes. And many don't realize that without investment in our infrastructure today, we won't be able to support the electric car tomorrow. We have to educate consumers about everything a smart grid is -- a way for our nation to regain a competitive edge and maintain energy

Bob Gilligan is vice president of digital energy for GE Energy Services.


Invite electricity consumers

ask what they expect:

I believe one of the most challenging obstacles to overcome as we move along the road to a smarter grid is consumer education.

It is time to connect with consumers in way that explain smart grid in terms relevant to their specific interests and attributes: income level, age, green interests, lifestyle habits, change motivators, political engagement, etc. We need to demonstrate that smart grid is a worthy investment with meaningful personal benefits

With 79 percent of consumers unfamiliar with the term "smart grid," much less what is really means, we truly have a challenge for the road ahead.