The Vancouver Sun

25 September 1997

Artist seeks to change the world for the world

Katherine Monk

The Artist (formerly known as Prince) is an enigma in more ways than one.

His name is an unpronounceable symbol. He moves like a sinner and talks like a saint He’s an extrovert on stage and a quasi-hermit when he’s not.

His last release, Emancipation, preaches simplicity and truth, but it was a massive triple-disc set that many found too complex to follow.

To top it all off, the Artist does not like doing pro motion, and yet, before his show at GM Place Friday, he agreed to respond to questions submitted to him by fax.

The result — with his responses reproduced verbatim, complete with symbols and odd abbreviations — looked like this:

Q: You say you want to change the vibe of the world. That seems like a pretty big order for one man. Jesus did it I guess Princess Diana did in a way, too. Where do you fit in pop icon or spiritual force? How do you see yourself changing the vibe of the world? What do you want to change it to? Do you ever feel alone in your struggle?

A: R will is manifest by 1st — a thought, then the word and lastly by the action. Mark my words — those who believe in love pure love will change the world.

Q: You play with language and symbols (numerals for words, glyphs for names, etc.). Some believe language constructs neural pathways in the brain and maps out the way we perceive reality. If language is, as they suggest, a roadway for thought, why are you different or trying to be different from others if, as you say, we’re essentially all the same deep inside?

A: The majority of mankind especially Americans r hypnotized. My use of language speaks 2 those like-minded souls who belong 2 the newpower.

Q: I realize you’re making more money on fewer sales with the creation of NPG the new record label the Artist set up after his break from Warner Brothers, but surely, some part of you must crave recognition on a mass level. If selling records isn’t as important to you as it once was, what motivated you in the beginning? What’s changed?

A: In the beginning, recognition motivated my work, <o> wanted 2 become known. <o> can safely say that mountain has been conquered! Now that <o> am free, my work is not determined by others and <o> answer 2 no one. Every artist should be so lucky! Look up the word ‘crave.’ 2 crave anything is 2 be controlled, <o> crave nothing.

Q: Have you seen your own demons? If so, what did they look like? Are you reconciled? If so, how did you do it?


Q: You’re quoted as saying that being married has “completed” you. What was missing before? And given that some people have compared the act of creation as an act of completion, has marriage changed the way you approach making art?

A: Mayte [Garcia, his former back-up vocalist] was missing b4. <o> didn’t really know her until <o> married her. She is my soulmate. She knows things <o> want 2 know. We compliment each other.

Q: If life is one great big creative voyage, where are’ you now? Where do you want to be? What’s it all about anyway?

A: <o> am nearing the final awakening. <o> have almost crossed the river. Peace 2 U and yours.