AOL Live

22 July 1997

AOL live chat

AOL members

TheArtist: the artist is here...where r u?

TheArtist: prince is dead

OnlineHost: Welcome O(+>!

OnlineHost: We are so happy to “see” you :D

TheArtist: thank u all

OnlineHost: Well, we are a little behind, so let’s get started....

OnlineHost: OK?

TheArtist: ok

OnlineHost: Your first question of the evening:

Question: Love4OneAnother Charities....How does it fit in your plan? Who does it involve?

TheArtist: hopefully every1 online...

TheArtist: the idea is 2 make it..

TheArtist: a webwide effort

Question: Where are you planning to perform next?

TheArtist: jones york

TheArtist: is the next gig

OnlineHost: Who are you listening to now for inspiration in your music?

TheArtist: my wife

TheArtist: ...

TheArtist: and the friends online

TheArtist: webheads inspire greatly

Question: What is the Truth? What is CB Set?

TheArtist: crystall ball was inspired by the sites that dig r music

TheArtist: the truth will be given away free 2 the friends who..

TheArtist: donate database 2 the love4oneanother site

Question: Are you planning a party for 1999?

TheArtist: of course...

TheArtist: foo fighters r going

Question: Whats next for the man of 1,000+ sounds ?

TheArtist: now that i am free...i let the wind blow me

Question: are you coming out with any love songs

TheArtist: there is a song on the truth album...

TheArtist: entitled- comeback...

TheArtist: which was written 4 a lost friend

Question: How do you feel about copyright infringement and musicans sampling your music? How are you different?

TheArtist: it was cool at 1st but now it has gotten out of hand...

TheArtist: i have never seen so many bad musicians in my life

Question: If you could change one thing about the music business what would you change?

TheArtist: 2 many things wrong,,i could not settle 4 one

Question: Why are you doing this?

TheArtist: love4oneanother

Question: How did you first get into music?

TheArtist: head1st

Question: Do you really eat Capt. Crunch cereal?

TheArtist: yes

Question: What’s your musical goal?

TheArtist: i want 2 one write the grand progression...

TheArtist: the perfect song that makes me never want 2 sing again

Question: What’s your opinion on scalpers?

TheArtist: get a real job!

Question: Do you still keep in touch with any members of The Revolution?

TheArtist: not really no..i wish ...sometimes they call...usually when they want 2 confirm a rumor

TheArtist: oops

Question: What’s different about your music now vs when you were with Warner?

TheArtist: listen 2 crystal ball and the truth u will hear what freedom sounds like..

TheArtist: there is a track called baconskin that thumps 4 fifteen minutes..SICK

Question: What material are you planning to perform on your current tour?

TheArtist: this tour is very interesting inasmuch as it will constantly b changing...

TheArtist: lenny kravitz..

TheArtist: will

TheArtist: b

TheArtist: joining some of the ..

TheArtist: concerts..

TheArtist: as

TheArtist: well

TheArtist: as

TheArtist: carlos santana

TheArtist: this will affect r playlist

TheArtist: we play many songs..

TheArtist: that i have not..

TheArtist: played in years..

TheArtist: like when doves cry

Question: If you had the chance to play with any artist who is no longer with us, whom would you choose?

TheArtist: probably jimi

Question: will The Artist Formerly known as Prince ever make another movie??

TheArtist: secret

Question: O(+> are you going to put together another group someday?

TheArtist: i love the band i have now

TheArtist: they stomp much booty

Question: You seem to write songs extremely well. Do you write your songs at the spur of the moment or do you wait untill you start on a new project or album?

TheArtist: i write and record constantly...

TheArtist: there r many songs that were never bootlegged that will come out soon

Question: first of all you are fabulous!!!!!second i have a copy of purple rain on purple this a rare copy or were there alot of them printed?

TheArtist: it is very rare...during the time when my comrades and i got along

Question: My wife an I think that you are a great musician and we were really psyched to see you get a lifetime achievement award. We’ve noticed that your music is taking a turn to being a little more rebellious and shocking, what has caused you to go in this dire

OnlineHost: I think that mean direction

TheArtist: this “dire” direction with my music...

TheArtist: is in response 2 the ever pressing..

TheArtist: fact that most musicians especially of tha darker persuasion...

TheArtist: usually leave this business with nada..

TheArtist: BROKE

TheArtist: such a shame

Question: What all instruments can you play?

TheArtist: i can play any instamint..

TheArtist: only 27 good

Question: your song. “ 319 “ Where did you come up with the idea?

TheArtist: elizabeth berkley

Question: What is 1800NewFunk?

TheArtist: call and find out.....

TheArtist: i believe when it is organized..

TheArtist: it will become the future of distribution...

TheArtist: at least as far as my music..

TheArtist: is concerned

TheArtist: i am hungry

Question: Do you really ride a motorcycle? And if so, what kind?

TheArtist: i do not ride anymore....

TheArtist: cuz i get followed..

TheArtist: and not every intention is welcome

LIVEONAOL: He’s hungry! ;)

Question: What some advice you can give to an up coming artist. ?

TheArtist: 1st of all,don’t eat anything that has parents...

TheArtist: bcuz u will inherit their dreams...

TheArtist: and second and 4most give praise un2 your creator...

TheArtist: bcuz soon only the truth will remain

Question: Sir, did the Beatles influence directly any of your music, they seem to peek their heads out every once and a while with your older music. —Angie in Indy

TheArtist: i cannot lie...

TheArtist: when u were mine was written..

TheArtist: in a hotel room in birmingham...

TheArtist: after listenin 2 john sing

Question: Could you see yourself going in a more jazzier forum of music in the near future, not madhouse type, but a purer miles type inprove jazz.

TheArtist: i am working on a free 4m record with jacob armen...

TheArtist: the most frightening drummer i have ever heard

Question: Your videos have a stylish look. Do you use specific directors and cinematographers to acheive this look?

TheArtist: i hate videos....they r 4 kids

Question: How does one order tshirts if you don’t go to a concert of yours?

TheArtist: 1800newfunk

Question: Hey I live a stones throw away from Paisley. How do you like the rain?? Do you think you show more of your outstanding guitar on any of your future records??

TheArtist: i am growing my own food now..

TheArtist: so i love the rain..

TheArtist: i understand better now

TheArtist: 4444

TheArtist: oops

Question: what do u want to acomplish most in life ?

TheArtist: i can only pray that i am doing my God’s will at this stage...

TheArtist: i worked very hard 4 what i have so i feel deserving..

TheArtist: of things accomplished..

TheArtist: but when it is all said and must please God 1st and last

Question: When does the tour officially start?

TheArtist: yesterday

TheArtist: it pounded

TheArtist: u should have been there

Question: we have read that david bowie admires your work, have u or would u work with him?

TheArtist: i would love 2 work with almost anyone who is + and owns their masters

Question: How old were you when you wrote your first song?

TheArtist: my 1st song was written at 7 and it was called FunkMachine

TheArtist: these r cool ?’s

Question: What inspired your storyline in your film “Under the Cherry Moon” ? My wife and I consider it our favorite.

TheArtist: that film went thru many drafts..much was lost in the shuffle

TheArtist: ..but i must admit..

TheArtist: there r some very funny scenes..

TheArtist: it was inspired by the comedies..

TheArtist: of the 4ties

Question: What inspired the release of a 3 song CD set “Emancipation”

TheArtist: the breaking of the chains....clik,click

Question: You are so intense now were you like that when you were younger?...Did you always know what you wanted to do?

TheArtist: i was as intense...yes i used 2 play act my whole future..

TheArtist: i willed this whole trip...

TheArtist: ppl do not want 2 wake up 2 the universe that way..

TheArtist: but i did

TheArtist: so what..big deal..

TheArtist: want something then wish 4 it

Question: What was your inspiration for the song Forever In My Life?

TheArtist: susannah

TheArtist: she knows

Question: planning on ever releasing a live cd

TheArtist: yes...lenny and george and i talk abiut that all the time

TheArtist: about

Question: You seem ageless...does your music keep you young?

TheArtist: yes...but most of all...

TheArtist: trusting the present...”the present”...the gift

TheArtist: yes

Question: Do you have an official website?


TheArtist: the $

Question: Do you ever hang out in an IRC chat room on your website?

TheArtist: no

Question: Are you interested in doing any duets, & if any, who?

TheArtist: i want 2 sing with any1 at the Ali concert in october

Question: You were one of the first artists to make a fashion statement. Who are your designers?

TheArtist: myself and a strange and gifted woman named-debbie mcguan

Question: What is the best gift a fan has ever given you? What is the best gift a fan can give you?

TheArtist: 1st of all 2 not b a is short 4 fanatic

TheArtist: is all we need...

TheArtist: sounds cliche but it makes me feel good

Question: Do you choose the people you perform on stage with and how are they chosen?

TheArtist: oddly enuff they come 2 me thru other musicians

TheArtist: some i steal

TheArtist: hee hee

Question: what is your preconcert preparation like

TheArtist: laughing...lots of that and then prayer

Question: Tell us somethingabout you that we would not expect

TheArtist: i hate massages..

TheArtist: despise them Question: do you worry about negative influence on young people?

TheArtist: yes....

TheArtist: i do not regret anything i have done

TheArtist: but

TheArtist: the industry seems 2 only promote the absurd

TheArtist: nowadays

Question: any accoustic songs in the future?

TheArtist: the truth album is almost completely acoustic

Question: Have you written any music for other artists lately?:

TheArtist: questionj

TheArtist: uh oh

Question: So, O(+>, are you still hungry?


TheArtist: come c me on a dog in heat, i will not disappoint

TheArtist: !

TheArtist: !

TheArtist: !

OnlineHost: We want to first of all, thank our special guest: O(+>

TheArtist: peace and b wild

OnlineHost: And we want to thank all of you in the audience for hanging in there and

OnlineHost: sending in all these

OnlineHost: great questions.

TheArtist: yes