Additional Points on The Dinar Revalue & The Ninth Sign

September 15 2018

By Mark Farquharson

I may have seemed to imply in recent journal entries that the ninth sign while being money is not at the time of the ATM payout, even thou that is money. I should clarify, the Dinar revalue is usually thought of as being the time of the ninth sign and is connected to the numbers 9 and 999. While I do not think that the Dinar revalue is at the time of the ATM payout, the ATM payout could be the ninth sign. Actually there could be more than one time for the ninth sign, both the ATM payout and the dinar revalue could be the ninth sign, even if they happen at different times.

Another point is that in my 205 dream I enter a shopping mall and go into a shop. An ATM can be inside a bank, inside a bank that is in a mall or by itself in the mall, but it would not be inside a shop that is in the mall. It can also be in the wall of a building, thus accessible from the outside 24/7.

I have added these points to the entry: Dinar Revalue Dreams

The Julius Caesar connection:

I only just thought of this even thou I have written about this a number of times in the past. Julius email me about his 205 dinar dream, back in 2013. The name Julius could be a sign of a connection to Julius Caesar and therefore to Rome. There is a connection between Washington DC and Rome. The owner of the land that later became Washington DC was Francis Pope, and the land itself in the original title deed was called “Rome.” It is therefore interesting that the current Pope is Pope Francis.

The Number 336

I have mentioned that the revalue could be at 9, with an hour being 288 days, but I am not saying a layer is 288 days. There is also the calculation of 12 X 16 = 192, divided by 4 gets 48, that is 48 weeks or 336 days.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2018