Updated Watch Dates, Open Door, Dinar

9 May 2012

By Mark Farquharson

If you are a regular reader you will know that I get signs and I try to understand them. A number of these signs are to do with the Open Door ministry. I do believe we are close to the start of this ministry. During this time the true Evangel will be heralded to the world before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. What has been herald to a majority of the world is not the true evangel.

In the last entry I also mentioned a TV program, looking at the dates again for certain episodes the focus is on dates back in November 2010. The next date to look at would be the 11 November 2010. This episode screening on Friday, since there is no weekend screening the watch period could also apply to the weekend. Back on that date of the 11 Nov. 2010, the Iraqi Parliament had it’s first session. The revalue of the Iraqi dinar is connected to the start of the ministry. This makes a watch period of the 11-13 May 2012. The 13 May is the 550th day from the 11 Nov. 2010. Recently I got the number 60 in connect with Iraqi. 60 is the number for pride. Taking this of the 550 and you get 490 the number for blessed time.

Interestingly enough someone emailed me about camels in the weekend, and a Dr Jones weblog in 2010 about the Iraqi Parliament having it’s first session also had the word camel, “At last! The camel caravan is finally moving.” Thus I take this as a sign. Quote from “Iraqi Parliament First Session November 11 2010.” {Note link in weblog goes to Not Found.}

In the last entry I mentioned my birthday meal being delayed until the 7 May 2012. I view this as a sign because of the numbers in a dream that added up to 36, which I turned last year on the 28 April, and I got the sign 36 a number of times. However I am now 37.

The 13 May 2012 is also the end of actual Second Unleavened Bread. Second Passover was on the 6, and Unleavened Bread started on the 7 May. Remember that I thought that there would be an earlier second Passover on the 27 April given the earlier indication that first Passover was earlier than actual first Passover. For the Passover Conference was a week earlier and other signs. However there is an indication of a delay given my delayed birthday meal. Thus I still believe that the first Passover was earlier this year, but the delay means that second Passover is not any earlier. The moon was at it’s closest for the year on the 6 May, I observe it out the window.

In the dream the first three numbers 8-8-8 are the number for the word Jesus {888], and the last two 8-4 are 12, for Jesus at 12. When he was 12 he went to the temple with his parents at the time of first Passover, this is a pattern for us {Luke 2:41-2:50}. It can be applied to second Passover which is held in the second Hebrew month going from the 15-21. I view that they stayed for the whole week of Unleavened Bread, not just the Passover. Then he was left behind, and after three days they came back to find the boy Jesus at the temple. When his parents find him, his mother said to him “Child, why do you thus to us? Lo! your father and I painfully sought you” {Luke 2:48}. Jesus replied “Why is it that you sought Me? Had you not perceived that I must be among the things which are My Father's?” {Luke 2:49}. End of second Unleavened bread is 13 May, the three days are then 14-17 May. Note he would have been talking to the religious leaders for the three days, thus he would have been among the things of his Father for those three days. Thus my thinking would be the 13 or 14 May as the period to watch.

Remember that I sat in the chair on the stage up the front of St Benedict’s Church on the 21 February this year. This being the same church that I used to indicate arrive at the altar and the end of the many day journey. Note the present Pope is Pope Benedict XVI, thus an indication of a connection. That is the 21 of the second month, which can be an indication of the end of second feast of Unleavened Bread.

What of the Patterns that I thought of last time? Interestingly enough if I look at the dates for the earlier second Passover I have the 17 of the second month down as the 30 April. Remember on the 17 Dec I had the indication on a red drink that was spilled. I had a sign about this on the 2 May this year. The 30 Dec is when the “Opening the Door of Heaven” and “Grab Your Sword” signs came. In this pattern the 30 Dec would match with the 13 May 2012.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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