Update of the Church Sequence

9 November 2013

By Mark Farquharson

It turns out I was wrong on my church sequence. You see back on the 30 October, I put my hand on the back of the seat, but I did not sit. Thus the two signs, seating and put my hand on the seat are different. Last year I did not get the sign of put my hand on the back of the seat. Thus I thought the two which both involved the seat indicated the same thing.

Then on the 6 November I got the sign of seating in the chair in St Mathews. This is the day I have down in the sequence. However I was following the Hebrew dates, not that it was complete wrong to follow the dates as that had been the sign. Then again on the 7 November I sat in the chair in St Mary’s. Last year I actual sat in the chair in Our Lady of Lourdes on the 8 November.

Recall that from the Hebrew dates I had a watch date of the 22 of the seventh Hebrew month. This was the day I got the sign of 30. The day after is when I got the sign to

“Take a Stand, Take thee seat at the Table of the Lord.” Also the Hebrew watch date of the 21 of the eighth Hebrew month, was the date that Dr Jones was commissioned for his trip.

Last year I took to the lectern in Our Lady of Lourdes on the 14 November the day after the end of Dr Jones fast, 6-13 November. However in New Zealand we are a day head, well actually at the moment 19 hours ahead of Minnesota. Also I sat in the chair in Our Lady of Lourdes on that day. At the stand “I declare the evangel to go forth”

The next day I sat in a seat in Manawa Wetlands, which is be a sign of the coming knowledge and glory. The other place I sat on the 15 November last year was the summit of Mount Owairaka which represents the Holy Spirit. It was this day I declare the Door of Heaven open.

26 September: Take thee seat at the Table of the Lord

25 October: At the Chair, Dr Jones Commissioned

6 November: Seating in the Chair

14 November: Lectern

Interestingly the Pastors conference has be moved up to the 13 & 14 November.

I am expecting great things, spectacular things to occur. For the Door of Heaven will open. We will eat the food at the Table of the Lord. There will be the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. There is the ninth sign, the double portion. This will be the funding of the ministry work ahead.

I have been getting the signs 500, 501. Then on the 6 November I went to a bookstore and there were these travel books, that had 501 destinations.

The power was out on Thursday night from about 6:30 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. Then the clock radio played up at about 11:30 p.m. The next day however the clock radio was working correctly. However phone and broadband were out, for most of the day.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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