80 Days, 100 Days, & the Coffin is at the Chapel

21 December 2012

By Mark Farquharson

80 Days, 100 Days

Recently I brought a new watch, full price was $100, with the discount, the price was $80. The brand was Olympic, and the elite call themselves Olympians. The earthquake was in Olympia, Washington, where a rose was drawn in the sand.

I brought the watch on the 9 October which was the 23 of the seventh Hebrew month. Thus it was the next day after the end of Tabernacles. The eighty day from that day is the 27 December and 80 days is the 28 December, which is the 14 and 15 of the tenth Hebrew month. Hundred days from the watch is the 17 January 2013.

The 30 December 2011, was the end point for a cycle, with the relation “Opening the Door of Heaven.” Of course this could have been just for the completion of that cycle.

Hundred days from Atonement is the 4 January 2013, which is the 22 of the tenth Hebrew month. If you look at the 80 days as the 15 and the hundred days as the 22, you have an eight day week, and tabernacles is eight days. It is the seventh month from the anniversary of the ring, this then could be a sign that we will enter a time of Tabernacles. This also fits with the sign of 7:11, being eleven years from the marriage proposal & ring, 19 & 21 June 2001. We are now in the seventh month, which does not have to be fully complete, as in a whole month, to be count as a full month.

In Yesterdays entry I mentioned a pattern repeating, with a six month and six day difference, in the Hebrew dates. I had a dream which is in my notes for the 18 June, using the conversion the date is 4 January 2013, equal to hundred days from Atonement. Of course if one used a straight six months the date is 18 January, one day after hundred days from the watch.

In the dream was a city it was night, no lights were on, thus the power was out. Then there were a lot of rainbows. The rainbow the sign of the separation of land and water. A power blackout at night across a major city may not seem that bigger judgement of course. That does not mean that will be the only effect of the judgement.

Recall the Divine Visitation at St Paul, Minnesota, you can read my comments on that in this entry which includes a link to want occurred on that day: Comments on Divine Visitation at St Paul’s

The Second Judgement:

In a near by cemetery is a crematorium, that has two chapels, the first I take as the sign of the result of the first judgement, which was the Christchurch, New Zealand, earthquake on the 22 February 2011. The sign of the second chapel is another judgement that is coming. On Atonement the 26 September 2012, the place I prayed for was London, England.

Recall that on the 17 October 2012, I observed a hearse followed by two buses and that my mother said coffin and the next day she said coffin again. This was the first day of the eighth Hebrew month. On the 11 December 2012, 28 of the ninth Hebrew month, my mother said the placed smelled like a Crematorium. Then on the 20 December, the seventh of the tenth Hebrew month, I was passing Rossgrove Bible Chapel, which is called chapel, instead of church. People were arriving at the chapel and I noticed a funeral car. Thus the sign is the coffin has arrived at the chapel and the service is about to begin as the people arrive. However the coffin is not burnt at the beginning of the service, one has to wait for that point in the service. Of course this does not give us a time indication, just that it should be soon. I have no indication from this how long the service will be. One can see how long it has taken already to get from the car going to the chapel to people arriving for the service over two months. The service then could last several days, or even a couple of weeks or more. People were still arriving for the service, which means that it had not started yet.

On the 19 December I was at Christ the King, I entered and went right to the front and sat in the front pew. There was no one else in the church. I got up and touch the water in the bowl on the stage. After that I left the building. I am not sure if this connects, or if it is a sign of something else. Before when I sat in the front pew of a different church it indicated that a Passover was going to come in two days. This would indicate the 21 December as the start of the service.

On the 19 December I also went to the summit of Mt Roskill. Note the Chapel was Rossgrove that I went past the next day. Thus the upcoming arrive at the summit in a sequence could indicate it’s connection to the upcoming judgement.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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