Mother Nature


By Mark Farquharson

Who is this “mother nature” and what has she done? Why are people mentioning her? Why is she mention on nature programs? Apparently she has done it all for us. Done all of what for us? Good question. For some reason people credit mother nature with doing everything. She is the force behind evolution apparently. Well she can be the force behind that, if people want her to be. However evolution is a believe that is totally incorrect. Let her have evolution, the truth is much better, it is called Creation. Apparently she is the force behind the changes in the environment and the planet over billions of years. Well she can have that one too, because that is also complete wrong also. One wonders when they will do the proper thing and build a statue in her honour, or has someone already done that?

It is interesting that they will credit “mother nature” with doing things on animal programs, but not mention the real force behind everything, God. They seem to like mention things that are not correct, like evolution and billions of years, what is one more thing that is incorrect? What difference does it make, on top of all the other false stuff they mention? How do they know what happened billions of years ago? How do they know mother nature was behind it all? At lest they have animals on the programs, at lest there is some value in the programs. Of course you do get animal programs that do not mention her, don’t they know that they are meant to mention her? Have they not read the memo that states that you have to mention her?

The truth is mother nature has not done anything, for anyone. Mother nature does not exist. This mother nature is a false god and crediting her with anything is completely wrong. Some may see this as harmless, that there is nothing wrong with saying that mother nature done that or this. Actual it is wrong, it is making her out to be a god. It is a sin to worship false gods. Stop crediting mother nature with these things, and start crediting the one that should be credited, God. I don’t know who started this “mother nature” thing, but when I meet up with him, I will, well tell him that he was wrong. Well what do you expect me to do to him? Whoever it was, he was ultimately doing what God want him to do. Besides one day we will be friends.

God is the one who has done it all for us. He is the one that can do a lot more than this mother nature, who can’t do anything. There are no other gods, not even mother nature. Thus there is only one God.

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2009

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