Talking to Angels


By Mark Farquharson

Can you today as some people claim talk to angels? In the bible people did talk to angels. Some translations use the word “messenger”, but if you read the passage you can use tell if it is a messenger from heaven or not. Actually “Messenger” is the correct translation.

There are a number of people these days who claim that they can talk to angels, could they be correct or are they wrong? They state usually that they can talk to the angel or angels when ever they want.

However there is a major difference in the bible. The person could not talk to a angel when ever he/she want to talk to one. They had to wait for an angel or angels to talk to them. The only time angels talked to people in the bible is when they where on a mission from God, and had some important message to deliver. Otherwise you did not get to talk to one.

These days people claim that you can talk to an angel any time, and about anything. You do not have to wait around to talk to an angel. You don’t have to wait for them to be on a special mission from God before they will talk to you. Why has it all changed so much, or are these people wrong?

There are two groups that claim they talk to angels, the first are the ones who are frauds. They do not actually talk to anyone, but they do like taking your money.

The second group do actually talk to someone, who they think is an angel, but it does not mean it is an angel. Unfortunately evil spirits can appear as angels. Thus most of these people if not all of them are actually talking to evil spirits.

How can we tell if they are talking to evil spirits? They claim that an angel helps them in there personal life. They claim things that are different to the belief that All Mankind will be saved.

People who claim that they talk to angels, but state that unbelievers go to hell or any other such rubbish, are clearly not talking to angels.

I saw an interview on the TV about a person who claim that they where talking to angel and they said the angel help them find a carpark. Well if they where actually reserving a carpark for you then, they must be stopping other people from using it. However the person does not seem to realise this.

The other thing to remember is that it is still the same today as before. Angels are not there to help you in your life. They are there to work for God, and Christ. This means that the only time that an angel will actually talk to anyone is when they are on a mission form God or Christ.

It may be great to think that people have their own personal angel that will help them out in this life, but it simple is not true at all. No a mount of wishful thinking will get an angel to talk to you and help you out in your personal life.

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2009

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