What Occurred at the Start of the Second Hundred Day Period

12 March 2014

By Mark Farquharson

Please ensure that you have read the last journal entry before proceeding with this discussion. That is here: The Spiritual Coming Of Jesus & the Gateway & the 100 day Periods

Last time I introduced you to the three hundred day periods and stated that the second period was to start on the 11 March 2014. On that day in the morning there was an engagement on a TV program and late engage was the answer to a puzzle. The second period goes from the 11 March-18 June, the proposal was on the 19 June. In the morning a came across a three year old magazine, that covered the Royal Wedding back on the 29 April 2011. If you go to the breakdown of the second period, the first fifty day period of the second period goes from 11 March-29 April, that is it goes to the anniversary of Prince William’s and Kate’s wedding anniversary.

There was also the mention of “Knocking on Heavens Door” on a program, which I do not usually watch, but I overhead it. As I said the other day the Gate, I am linking with Heavens Door. My thinking is the timing of the gate is between 19-21 June at the end of the second and third counts.

Last time I did not mention the cartoon that was in the paper on the 7 March, this was the same day I got two wedding ring signs. The cartoon in the paper had the numbers 997, 998 and 999. As I have already covered 999 means the Stairway to Heaven, at the top of which is the Door of Heaven. This is a sign to do with the Door of Heaven, which connects to these rings, which connects to the anniversary of the ring, 21 June 2001, 13 years ago.

Getting back to the 11 March, on a TV current affairs show that night was a hot air balloon in the shape of a space shuttle. Last year on the 20 June I went to the movie “After Earth” at St Lukes shopping mall, in Cinema 6. In the movie a spaceship crashes to the earth. The balloon is a space shuttle, which is a spaceship, the movie was about a spaceship. The sign of the spaceship balloon was at the start of a hundred day count that takes us to the watch period of 19-21 June.

Recently I picked up two old books, the first one had two covers, on one side is “Tom Sawyer Abroad,” on the other side it is called “A Dog Flanders and Other Stories.” On 11 March there was question in a puzzle to do with windmill arms, and on the cover with the dog is a windmill. On the Tom Sawyer side it has “abroad” in the title, that is he is travelling abroad, or outside of his own country. When I look at the cover again on the 11 March I noticed that Tom Sawyer was in a hot air balloon, and earlier I had seen the spaceship hot air balloon. I also noticed the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx.

Last time I mentioned the time of 11:30, and how it related to the 30 November. In the second count last year the 80th day was 30 Nov. The 80th day of the second count this year is also a watch day. Recall that each period is broken into three, the first fifty days plus the next thirty days comes to eighty days.

Dr Stephen Johns built a pyramid on the 29 Nov 2011 and finished it by placing the capstone on the next day the 30 Nov 2011. In the picture is a pyramid.

The book has the name on it “Companion Library,” recall that I got the sign, of a watch stopping at 11:30 last night at a library counter.

The second old book also has “Companion Library,” on it and also has two covers. The first cover is “Gulliver’s Travels” and the second cover is “Treasure Island.” There is ladders on the front of “Gulliver’s Travels” on the giant man. I have not notice any signs on the second cover.

There is also the bookstore dream that I had on the 9 Dec. 2013, here it is again:

“My mother, brother and I are in a bookstore that happens to be at a broader. We are told we can go. I look at the books and select two books. My brother and mother go on ahead. When I get to the counter I think the price is $30, but it is only $10. I comment on this good price and leave the store catching up with my brother and mother at an intersection which is at a broader. The broader is between the USA and some other country.” Dream ends.

The $30 could link to the thirty count in the second hundred days. Another thought is the difference is $20, and that could indicate the last twenty days in the hundred days count. Note the bookstore is at the broader, but it is not right at the broader for upon leaving the bookstore I still have to walk to the actual broader. Like I was saying in the last entry the check in counter is at the airport, but it is not at the gate that goes to the plane.

The hundred day periods connect to the Olympic watch that I brought in 2012 for $80 that was reduced from $100. Here you can see that there was a $20 difference. After buying the watch I was out walking and stopped to look at a map on a post. One of those ones that has “You are here” on it. This woman also out walking was coming up behind and she said “you are here.” I had just come out onto Broader road. Thus at the 80 days I am at the boarder. My thinking is the counter that connects to the broader at the eighty, then at the actual broader or gate at the hundred.

There is other stuff that occurred on the 11 March 2014, which I may cover in another entry.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2014

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