Smith Lakes

1 hr + 45 min hike

Smith Lakes are up Farmington Canyon and north of Francis Peak. There are some great views up there and a couple places to camp.There are three lakes. This first one is muddy and shallow and not much to look at. The second one shown above is nice but shallow. There is a nice place to camp by the lake and a nice view of Morgan valley to the east:

The third lake is a little deeper and also has one place to camp, but not as nice.

You can drive to these lakes in a jeep or possibly a 4 wheel drive truck in good weather. I wouldn't recommend this before July. There are some sharp switchbacks by the lakes that are hard to turn at. I would recommend that you park at the turnoff before Francis Peak and pack in from there. It's about 2.5 miles from the turnoff to the second lake by road and a little less on foot.The third lake is another quarter mile.

To get there, head up Farmington Canyon, turning left at the Y and again when you get to the top. See the Farmington Canyon page for more information. A little ways before the radar station on Francis Peak is a jeep trail that turns right. This is where you might want to park. Down that road is another fork.Turn right again and head down to the lakes.