Secret Life of Shoes

Saint Paul, 1 August 2005

Forty winks before the ides

On the Dia de los Muertos

Sugar candies and breads are

Molded into abandoned huaraches

Supple soles of the departed

Footprints desiccated in a day

When barking dogs go mute

Don't bury me in knockoffs

Of those dainty red pope slippers

Drop kick my sorry ass into

A poorly named suburban ravine

Blanket me in grass-stained sneakers

Gawkers may not cry alligator tears

Our return climb is slippery enough

Behold the ceremonial shoes

A pair of Air Jordans - unboxed

Half full with sweat

Half empty with atmosphere


Days of the Dead is celebrated throughout Mexico on

November 1st and 2nd. People who have died in the past

year are remembered, their pictures placed on family

altars, and food and drink are offered for the souls of

the departed.