Request a Private Event

Bartlesville Astronomical Society is dedicated to promoting astronomy education and awareness of astronomical and space-related events. Schools, scout groups, and other organizations in Bartlesville are welcome to request a private observing session (star party) or astronomy presentation. Our volunteers will do their best to fulfill your request.

Please request your private event by sending an email to In your email, please provide your name and your group's name, your contact information, and answers to the following questions:

  • What type of event would you like to schedule with us? Star party/observing session, presentation, other (please describe).

  • In what month and on approximately what date would you like to schedule the event? Please note that for observing events, the time of sunset and the phase of the moon may have a significant impact on scheduling.

  • How many attendees in your group?

  • Approximate age range of attendees? Note: While we certainly don't want to discourage potential young astronomers, please be aware that most children younger than approximately age seven are unable to see well through telescopes, resulting in frustration and/or boredom on their part.

  • If attendees are children, how many adults will be supervising?

  • Are you interested in specific astronomy-related topics? If so, please describe.