July 2015

Monday, July 6, 7:00 p.m.

Bartlesville Public Library

7:15 p.m.

Telescope Basics

by Evan Zorn

Evan will discuss telescope basics, including the primary optical designs and mechanical mount options. If you're considering buying your first scope, upgrading to a new one, or are just interested in learning about telescopes, this will be a presentation you won't want to miss.

How to Start Right in Backyard Astronomy

By: Alan MacRobert | August 1, 2006


Under the stars. How good an astronomer you become depends less on your gear than on building your knowledge and skills.

Comet Hale-Bopp in twilight, spring 1997; photo: Mark Schroeder Did you know you can see a galaxy 2½ million light-years away with your unaided eyes? Craters on the Moon with binoculars? Countless wonders await you any clear night. The first step is simply to look up and ask, "What's that?" Begin gazing at the stars from your backyard, and you'll be taking the first step toward a lifetime of cosmic exploration and enjoyment.

But what, exactly, comes next? Too many newcomers to astronomy get lost in dead ends and quit in frustration. It shouldn't be that way.

What advice would help beginners the most? A while ago, the Sky & Telescope editors got together to brainstorm this question. Pooling thoughts from more than 100 years of collective experience answering the phones and mail, we came up with the following pointers to help newcomers past the most common pitfalls and onto the likeliest route to success.

1. Learn the night sky with the unaided eye.

Astronomy is an outdoor nature hobby. Go out into the night and learn the starry names and patterns overhead. Use the monthly naked-eye star charts in Sky & Telescope magazine, download our free Getting Started in Astronomy flyer (with bimonthly maps), or spring for a star wheel.

Even if you live in a densely populated, light-polluted area, there's more to see up there than you might imagine. The ability to look up and say, "There's Polaris" or "That's Saturn" will provide pleasure, and perhaps a sense of place in the cosmos, for the rest of your life.

2. Ransack your public library for astronomy basics.

Astronomy is a learning hobby. Its joys come from intellectual discovery and knowledge of the cryptic night sky. But you have to make these discoveries, and gain this knowledge, by yourself. In other words, you need to become self-taught.

The public library is the beginner's most important astronomical tool. Comb the astronomy shelf for books about the basic knowledge you need to know, and for guidebooks to what you can see out there in the wide universe. Read about those stars and constellations you're finding with the naked eye, and about how the stars change through the night and the seasons. If your library doesn't have enough, cruise your local bookstores (not to mention our own online bookstore). And check the magazine racks for Sky & Telescope. It offers a big, user-friendly sky map each month, observing tips and projects for all skill levels, and reports on frontline astronomical research.

Of course the Web is a tremendous resource. But the Web is a hodgepodge. There are excellent beginner's sites (hey, you found this one!), but what you really need right now is a coherent, well-organized framework into which to put the knowledge that you will pick up as you go along. In other words, you need books. Go to the library.

3. Thinking telescope? Start stargazing with binoculars instead.

Binoculars make an ideal "first telescope" — for several reasons. They show you a wide field of view, making it easy to find your way around — whereas a higher-power telescope magnifies only a tiny, hard-to-locate bit of sky. Binoculars show a view that's right-side up and straight in front of you, making it easy to see where you're pointing. (An astronomical telescope's view, by contrast, is often upside down, is sometimes mirror-imaged as well, and is usually presented at right angles to the direction you're aiming.)

Binoculars are also relatively cheap, widely available, and a breeze to carry and store. And their performance is surprisingly respectable. Ordinary 7- to 10-power binoculars improve on the naked-eye view about as much as a good amateur telescope improves on the binoculars — for much less than half the price.

For astronomy, the larger the front lenses the better. High optical quality is also important, more so than for binoculars that are used on daytime scenes. Modern image-stabilized binoculars are a tremendous boon for astronomy (though expensive). But any binoculars that are already knocking around the back of your closet are enough to launch an amateur-astronomy career.

4. Dive into maps and guidebooks.

Once you have the binoculars, what do you do with them? You can have fun looking at the Moon and sweeping the star fields of the Milky Way, but that will wear thin pretty fast. However, if you've learned the constellations and obtained detailed sky maps, binoculars can keep you happily busy for years.

They'll reveal dozens of star clusters, galaxies, and nebulae. They'll show the ever-changing positions of Jupiter's moons and the crescent phases of Venus. You can identify dozens of craters, plains, and mountains on the Moon. You can split scores of interesting double stars and follow the fadings and brightenings of numerous variable stars. If you know what to look for.

A sailor of the seas needs top-notch charts, and so does a sailor of the skies. Fine maps bring the fascination of hunting out faint secrets in hidden sky realms. Many guidebooks describe what's to be hunted and the nature of the objects you find. Moreover, the skills you'll develop using binoculars to locate these things are exactly the skills you'll need to put a telescope to good use.

Plan indoors what you'll do outdoors. Spread out your charts and guides on a big table, find things that ought to be in range of your equipment, and figure out how you'll get there. Plan your expeditions before heading out into the nightly wilderness.

5. Keep an astronomy diary.

This one is optional. But we notice that the people who get the most out of the hobby are often those who keep an observing logbook of what they do and see. Keeping a record concentrates the mind — even if it's just a jotting like "November 7th — out with the 10x50 binocs — clear windy night — NGC 457 in Cassiopeia a faint glow next to two brighter stars." Get a spiral-bound notebook and keep it with the rest of your observing gear. Being able to look back on your early experiences and sightings in years to come gives deeper meaning to your activities now.

For some people, anyway. If this isn't your thing or becomes too much of a chore, never mind.

6. Seek out other amateurs.

Self-education is fine as far as it goes, but there's nothing like sharing an interest with others. Hundreds of astronomy clubs exist worldwide; see our clubs listing. Call or e-mail a club near you, or check out its web site, and see when it holds meetings or nighttime observing sessions — "star parties." These events, some of which draw hundreds of amateurs, can offer a fine opportunity to try different telescopes, learn what they will and will not do, pick up advice and new skills, and make friends.

Astronomy clubs range from tiny to huge, from moribund to vital, from ingrown to extremely welcoming of newcomers. You'll have to check them out yourself. But none would be publicizing themselves in our directory if they weren't hoping that you would call.

7. When it's time for a telescope, plunge in deep.

Eventually you'll know you're ready. You'll have spent hours poring over the ads and reviews. You'll know the different kinds of telescopes, what you can expect of them, and what you'll do with the one you pick.

This is no time to skimp on quality; shun the flimsy, semi-toy "department store" scopes that may have caught your eye. The telescope you want has two essentials. The first is a solid, steady, smoothly working mount. The second is high-quality, "diffraction-limited" optics.

Naturally you'll also want large aperture (size), but don't lose sight of portability and convenience. Remember, the best telescope for you is the one you'll use most. Sometimes gung-ho novices forget this and purchase a huge "white elephant" that is difficult to carry, set up, and take down, so it rarely gets used. How good an astronomer you become depends not on what your instrument is, but on how much you use it. (For more specific tips on buying, see "A Guide to Choosing a Telescope").

Many new telescopes have built-in computers and motors that can, in theory, point the scope to any celestial object at the push of a few buttons (after you do some initial setup and alignment). These "Go To" scopes are fun to use and can certainly help you locate sights you might otherwise overlook. But opinions in the amateur-astronomy world are divided about whether "flying on automatic pilot," at least for beginners, keeps you from learning to fly on your own. We think it's important, at least for backup purposes, to be able to use your charts and constellation knowledge to find telescopic objects by yourself — especially if the scope's batteries die after you've driven 50 miles to a dark-sky location!

And as Terence Dickinson and Alan Dyer say in their Backyard Astronomer's Guide, "A full appreciation of the universe cannot come without developing the skills to find things in the sky and understanding how the sky works. This knowledge comes only by spending time under the stars with star maps in hand and a curious mind." Without these, "the sky never becomes a friendly place."

It's true that telescopes can cost thousands of dollars, but some good ones can be had for only a few hundred. Can't afford the scope you want? Save up until you can. More time using binoculars while building a telescope fund will be time you'll never regret.

If you choose to start with a small but high-quality scope, it can serve as your traveling companion for a lifetime — whenever it's impractical to bring along the big, more expensive scope that you eventually buy after your commitment to the hobby has passed the test of time.

If you find yourself getting frustrated with your new telescope, turn to the experts — S&T senior contributing editor Kelly Beatty and Cincinnati Observatory's Dean Regas dole out advice on everything from which knob does what to how to align your telescope and observe with ease in Sky & Telescope's video: A Guide to Using Your Telescope.

8. Lose your ego.

Astronomy teaches patience and humility — and you had better be prepared to learn them. Not everything will work the first time. You'll hunt for some wonder in the depths and miss it, and hunt again, and miss it again. This is normal. But eventually, with increasing knowledge, you will succeed.

There's nothing you can do about the clouds that move in to block your view, the extreme distance and faintness of the objects of your desire, or the special event that you missed because you got all set up one minute late. The universe will not bend to your wishes; you must take it on its own terms.

Most objects that are within the reach of any telescope, no matter what its size, are barely within its reach. So most of the time you'll be hunting for things that appear very dim or very small, or both. You need the attitude that they will not come to you; you must go to them. If flashy visuals are what you're after, go watch TV.

9. Relax and have fun.

Part of losing your ego is not getting upset at your telescope because it's less than perfect. Perfection doesn't exist, no matter what you paid. If you find yourself getting wound up over Pluto's invisibility or the aberrations of your eyepiece, take a deep breath and remember why you're doing this. Amateur astronomy should be calming and fun.

Learn to take pleasure in whatever your instrument can indeed show you. The more you look and examine, the more you will see — and the more you'll become at home in the night sky. Set your own pace, and delight in the beauty and mystery of our amazing universe. - See more at: http://www.skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-equipment/how-to-start-right-in-astronomy/#sthash.h8EhvsiW.dpuf

Hello BAS Members --

With so many people interested in AstroPhotography in the group, we have thought of having a "Astro Picture of the Month" competition each month at our meetings.

Entry Rules:

Send one picture of the night sky/ object of the current month with a description of the picture and the equipment used to take this.

Mail it to bvilleastro@gmail.com.

Best picture is chosen in the next meeting and uploaded to our Facebook/Twitter pages with your mention!

So let the entries pouring in for our next meeting on the Feb 2, 2015.


BAS President .

Take the Future of Amateur Astronomers Survey

The Night Sky Network is doing a new survey of amateur astronomers located in the United States. We are attempting to understand the landscape of educational outreach performed by astronomy clubs and assess the needs of the amateur astronomy community for the next 5 years. We want to hear your voice.

Please let us know what your needs are and how we can better help you and your clubs by taking our survey, located here: http://bit.ly/2014astrosurvey

Pass this announcement along to any other persons or organizations that would have an interest in this survey as well. Thank you all!

You can see daily images of the Sun on www.Spaceweather.com

See a Fantastic image comparing sunspot to size of earth


Venus and Jupiter: Together at Last

By: Kelly Beatty | June 25, 2015 | Comments 1

The two brightest planets are gliding closer together in the early evening sky, and their celestial dance culminates with an ultra-close pairing on June 30th. Anyone who pays even cursory attention to the evening sky has surely noticed that the two brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, have been drawing closer together in the west...

Volcanoes on Venus: Active or Not?

By: Anne McGovern | June 25, 2015 | Comments 0

Hotspots on Venus might be researchers’ long-sought evidence for active volcanoes.

Tour July’s Sky: Saturn and the Scorpion

By: Kelly Beatty | June 25, 2015 | Comments 0

Stargazing in July is warm and pleasant. After sunset Venus and Jupiter are together in the west and Saturn is low in the south amid the stars of Scorpius.

Weighing a Supermassive Black Hole

By: Monica Young | June 25, 2015 | Comments 5

Combining a novel technique and a world-class telescope, astronomers have measured the mass of the supermassive black hole at the center of barred spiral NGC 1097.

Dust-poor Early Galaxies

By: Camille M. Carlisle | June 24, 2015 | Comments 0

New ALMA observations reveal low levels of dust in nine early galaxies, suggesting astronomers should revise some of their calculations.

Solar Storm Triggers Widespread Auroras

By: Babak Tafreshi | June 23, 2015 | Comments 1

An auroral display on June 22nd surprised and delighted viewers in Northern America, Europe, and southern Australia.

Dark Galaxies Suffuse the Coma Cluster

By: Monica Young | June 23, 2015 | Comments 0

Following on a surprising find reported last year, astronomers have now discovered almost 1,000 dark matter-rich galaxies in the Coma Cluster.

Searching for Exoplanet Stratospheres

By: Anne McGovern | June 19, 2015 | Comments 0

Researchers identify titanium oxide as a potential molecule at work in exoplanet atmospheres.

Best Nightscapes From Across the World

By: Babak Tafreshi | June 18, 2015 | Comments 0

The winners of the 6th International Earth & Sky Photo Contest highlight the natural beauty of the night sky as well as its growing battle with light pollution.

Mapping the Outer Milky Way

By: Monica Young | June 18, 2015 | Comments 2

Stars still embedded in their natal clouds act as signposts to map the Sagittarius-Carina, Perseus, and Outer spiral arms of the Milky Way.

The Moon’s Mysterious Twilight Dust Clouds

By: Anne McGovern | June 17, 2015 | Comments 5

Observations from NASA’s Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) have rekindled interest in dust clouds seen along the Moon’s day-night terminator.

It’s Always “Pluto Time” Somewhere

By: Kelly Beatty | June 16, 2015 | Comments 4

Sunlight on Pluto is only a thousandth as strong as it is here on Earth. With careful timing, you can experience what it'd be like to stand on Pluto at noon.

See Icarus Wing By Earth This Week

By: Bob King | June 16, 2015 | Comments 0

It's no myth. Icarus makes a rare flyby of Earth this week. Here's how to see it in your telescope and live online.

Comet Lander Philae Phones Home

By: Kelly Beatty | June 14, 2015 | Comments 0

After seven months of electronic hibernation, Philae has awakened on the surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and resumed relaying its data to Earth.

A Budding Nebula May Hatch a Butterfly

By: Anne McGovern | June 11, 2015 | Comments 0

Super-sharp imaging confirms that the nearby red giant star L2 Puppis is forming a tiny bipolar nebula as it comes to the end of its life.

Watch the Moon Occult Uranus Live

By: Alan MacRobert | June 11, 2015 | Comments 4

On June 11, 2015, the moon will occult Uranus. Here's a webcast.

The Glint of Martian Glass

By: Camille M. Carlisle | June 10, 2015 | Comments 0

Scientists have detected glass in Martian craters, created by the fierce heat of impacts that melted the Red Planet’s surface.

Between Galaxies: Lonely Supernovae

By: Anne McGovern | June 10, 2015 | Comments 0

Researchers confirm that three solitary stars have gone supernovae in intergalactic space.

Kapteyn b: Exoplanet or Illusion?

By: Emily Poore | June 9, 2015 | Comments 8

Recent research casts doubt on whether nearby Kapteyn b, a supposed super-Earth circling in its star’s habitable zone, is a planet at all.

Asteroid Tour: Fly Over Ceres

By: Camille M. Carlisle | June 9, 2015 | Comments 2

Visit the dwarf planet Ceres in this video animation created from images taken by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft.

Visit Iceland and Shoot the Northern Lights!

By: Sean Walker | June 9, 2015 | Comments 0

Sky & Telescope's third annual trip to Iceland, this time accompanied by Equipment Editor Sean Walker, provides a fantastic opportunity to photograph the aurora borealis.

Close-Up of Saturn’s Moon Hyperion

By: Anne McGovern | June 8, 2015 | Comments 4

On May 31st, the Cassini spacecraft flew by Saturn’s funky moon Hyperion. The resulting images highlight the moon’s unusually pocked surface.

Skyweek from Sky and Telescope Magazine also presents a variety of astronomical events for the naked eye as well as telescope viewing.http://www.skyandtelescope.com/videos/skyweek

      • July 1 - Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. A spectacular conjunction of Venus and Jupiter will be visible in the evening sky. The two bright planets will be extremely close, appearing only 0.3 degrees apart. Look for this impressive pairing in the western sky just after sunset.

      • July 2 - Full Moon. The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 02:19 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Buck Moon because the male buck deer would begin to grow their new antlers at this time of year. This moon has also been known as the Full Thunder Moon and the Full Hay Moon.

      • July 14 - New Horizons at Pluto. NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft is scheduled to arrive at Pluto after a nine and a half year journey. Launched on January 19, 2006, this will be the first spacecraft to visit Pluto. New Horizons will give us our first close-up views of the dwarf planet and its moons. After passing Pluto, the spacecraft will continue on to the Kuiper belt to examine some of the other icy bodies at the edge of the Solar System.

      • July 16 - New Moon. The Moon will located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 01:24 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.

      • July 28, 29 - Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower. The Delta Aquarids is an average shower that can produce up to 20 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by debris left behind by comets Marsden and Kracht. The shower runs annually from July 12 to August 23. It peaks this year on the night of July 28 and morning of July 29. The nearly full moon will block out all but the brightest meteors this year. But if you are patient, you should still be able to catch a quite few good ones. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Aquarius, but can appear anywhere in the sky.

      • July 31 - Full Moon. The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 10:43 UTC.

      • August 12, 13 - Perseids Meteor Shower. The Perseids is one of the best meteor showers to observe, producing up to 60 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by comet Swift-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1862. The Perseids are famous for producing a large number of bright meteors. The shower runs annually from July 17 to August 24. It peaks this year on the night of August 12 and the morning of August 13. The thin crescent moon will be no match for the bright Perseids this year so be prepared for a great show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Perseus, but can appear anywhere in the sky.

      • August 14 - New Moon. The Moon will located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 14:53 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.

2015 BAS Programs

Next Meeting

August 3, Monday. Bartlesville Public Library Meeting Room (tentative)

Newsletter Contributions Needed

Our club newsletter is reaching more people each month, and member contributions in the form of short articles, interesting news items, alerts of upcoming astronomical events or activities, descriptions of personal observations or useful equipment, and observing tips, are encouraged. Recurring columns or multipart articles are also welcome. Please submit your contributions to Mike Woods or to bvilleastro@gmail.com .

Bartlesville Astronomical Society - Membership

B.A.S. is an organization of people interested in Astronomy and related fields of science.

The current officers are:

The current board members are:

Additional club positions:

Membership is open to everyone interested in any aspects of astronomy.

Adult. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00

Students (through 12th grade) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00

Magazine Subscription (reduced rate for members)

Sky & Telescope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32.95

Astronomy Technology Today Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.00

Astronomy Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34.00/yr