July 2017

Minutes for BAS Meeting, Bartlesville Library, July 3, 2017.

Prior to regular meeting: BAS Proposed Budget 2017-2018 approved by Board of Directors. Motion to approve budget by board members who got there a bit before the meeting started--Karen Cruce, 2nd by Steve Plank, in favor by D. Gregg via phone, also in favor by K. Cruce, S. Plank, D. Doughty, D. Perkins, J. Grismore, B. Young, R. Bryant and V. Travaglini. None opposed. Vicky had the Statement of Financial Activities for FY2016-2017 also for the Board.

(At bottom of email is earlier email copy of proposed budget, not the hardcopy voted on by the board members.)

Regular BAS Meeting: Chaired by Vice President Karen Cruce. 16 members present.

Karen shared the update that club will not co-host the MSRAL in 2018.

Karen presented and passed around a "Thank You" from Ranch Heights Teacher Cyndee Boudreaux for support of the Literacy Fair to which the club donated funds and also conducted a planetarium presentation and activities at the fair. Photos were enclosed of some of the fair projects done by students.

Treasury Report by V. Travaglini for June, 2017:

Beginning Balance on June 1st: $2296.43

Income: New student member: $10

Expenses: PVC Frame Supplies for BYA Banner, reimburse R. Bryant: <37.66>

Astronomical League Annual Dues, 48 members: <250>

Ending Balance on June 30th, 2017: $2018.77

Treasurer also presented the Statement of Financial Activities for the past Fiscal Year of July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017.

Rick Bryant passed out the BYA Total Eclipse t-shirts that were ordered by club members.

The Girl Scout night sky viewing event at Camp Wah-Shah-She for Sept 29, 2017, will be coordinated by Steve Plank. There may be 150 girl scouts and family attending.

Steve Plank also informed the club that NSN has provided the club with about 350 eclipse glasses. He will pass them out in a public location in town a few days before the event.

He is looking for help and a location for doing this.

Karen Cruce also mentioned the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve is conducting an eclipse watch to see also how the bison react to the event. You may participate, but need to sign up.

Program by Daryl Doughty was then presented on the topic

"Will the Current Solar Minimum Have an Observable Effect on the August, 2017, Solar Eclipse?"

Daryl explained how the current solar activity at minimum may impact the result at total eclipse, effecting the solar flares being probably not present due to low activity of sun at this time. If solar flares were present when totality happens we could see them as a unique color, as pinkish areas. 2017 is at minimum sun spot activity in its cycle. Daryl showed many solar eclipse photos and showed the differences that low or high sun spot activity will have on the result at totality. (Corona at minimum solar activity may also be elongated around the solar equator rather than being more like an "even" circle all the way around.)

Daryl displayed the projected totality path across the USA and also explained how watchers will need to keep an eye on the weather in case movement is required. Totality will be about 2 minutes and 40 seconds. The length of totality is effected by the distance of the moon from the earth, closer to the earth would block the sun for a longer time and also the distance the earth is from the sun effects the length of totality. The sun will be totally covered during only the time period of totality. Those outside the totality path will see only a partial eclipse, Bartlesville viewing will be max at about 91% covered, but never totality. ( Eclipse glasses will have to be worn at ALL times while viewing the eclipse from here or anywhere outside the path of totality.) The max partial eclipse here will occur at 1:07 p.m. on August 21. Regulus star may even be visible at this time. In Boonville, MO, total eclipse is at 1:14 p.m. Regulus should be seen.

Daryl also told club of a web site put up by Cal Berkeley asking for eclipse photos to be submitted to the site for an eclipse movie to be made of e scenes from photographers and amateur astronomers.


In addition to his sun spot photos, Daryl then shared some of the beautiful, striking photos he had taken recently of Saturn and Jupiter.

Craig Brockmeier suggested a good eclipse book called "Totality", which has been reworked and re-issued. Former member Ken Willcox helped write the original edition.

Emailed copy of budget:

Carryover Balance, July 1,2017, Approximate: $2008


Membership Dues - 45 Memberships 1000

Donations 50

Total Projected Income: $1050


Liability Insurance 320

OK SOS Charitable Org Registration 15

SunFest Booth 20

Astronomical League Dues 250

Newsletter Printing/Postage 30

Forms/Handouts Printing 150

Bartian Youth Astronomers 250

Total Projected Expenses: <$1035>

Ending Balance, June 30,2018, Approximate: $2023