November 2019 Civitan Club Presentation

Civitan Club Lunchtime Meeting Presentation Nov. 7 2019

What: Presentation to the Civitan Club at their November lunchtime meeting. Presentation was a short summary of the BAS/BYA, followed by a presentation on meteor showers.

Who: Denise Gregg plus Civitan members

Where: Bambino’s Downtown Bistro, 101 SE Frank Phillips, 74003

When: November 7, 12-1 p.m.

Who coordinated: Denise was asked by a member of her church (who is also a member of Civitan) if the BAS could do the program at their November meeting. She later spoke with a Civitan member about A/V for the meeting.

Publicity used: The Civitan Club handles their own publicity about their meetings. Denise mentioned this at the October and November BAS meetings.

Number of people who attended: Eleven Civitan members plus Denise.

Materials brought: Usual handout items (not the youth rulers, stickers, etc.). Denise also brought copies of the 2019 meteor shower chart from the American Meteor Society—enough for the anticipated number of people coming--and passed them out.

Materials of location site used: Nice place to have lunch! Civitan paid for Denise’s lunch. Bambino’s also had a projector screen in their meeting room.

BAS expenditures: None

Comments: The Civitan Club has a projector, but they’d only used it a few times before their November meeting. Denise was told that putting her presentations on a flash drive would work—but it didn’t. She had sent the two PowerPoints to herself in email, just in case. She presented from her iPhone, with nothing on a big screen. Being able to hand out the meteor shower charts helped! Nonetheless the Civitan members enjoyed the presentation.