
For general information or to ask a question about Bartlesville Astronomical Society, please contact us at or 918-766-9240 (voicemail).

For information about Bartian Youth Astronomers, please contact us at or 918-766-9240 (voicemail).

Our mailing address is:

Bartlesville Astronomical Society

P.O. Box 302

Bartlesville OK 74005

To send us feedback or comments, please email

If you would like to send an email to a certain officer/leadership position within BAS, you can find email links on our Leadership page.

To Request a Private Event: 

Bartlesville Astronomical Society is dedicated to promoting astronomy education and awareness of astronomical and space-related events. Schools, scout groups, and other organizations in Bartlesville are welcome to request a private observing session (star party) or astronomy presentation. Our volunteers will do their best to fulfill your request.

Please request your private event by sending an email to In your email, provide your name and your group's name, your contact information, and answers to the following questions:

Please note:

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View the BAS and BYA event calendar.

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