June 2019 Stories

Stories of the Night Sky by Fran Stallings

What: Presentation of “Stories of the Night Sky” by Fran Stallings, using a portable planetarium projector on loan from the Pioneer Library System. Fran took us on a tour of the constellations in the night sky, with an occasional shooting star thrown in! She then told stories based on those constellations--stories that originated in Africa, Australia and Europe, including the classical Greek myths.

Who: The event was open to the public

Where: Unitarian Universalist Church in Bartlesville

When: June 21, 7:00 pm

Who coordinated: Fran did all the coordinating!

Publicity used: Fran did her own publicity and also contacted BAS. Derek sent an email to all club members about the event and also posted it on the Club's social media.

Number of people who attended: About 20, including several BAS members

Materials brought: Fran brought the planetarium projector on loan to her

Materials of location site used: None, apart from using the church as a meeting venue

BAS expenditures: None

Comments: Very interesting stories of “love, betrayal, monsters and vengeance!”