Photos - The Big Apple Kiosk at Bracelet Bay

The 'Big Apple' Kiosk

A famous landmark in the area, The Big Apple Kiosk was originally built, along with a few others around the country, by a cider company to promote their drink. As far as we know this is the last remaining one. 

The Big Apple for all your seaside needs

Bracelet Bay has many attractions, there is a cave to explore, rock-pools to examine, sandcastles to make and laverbread to pick. When the iconic 'Apple' is open, there are a selection of ice creams, lollies, pop and buckets &  spades for sale. 

From the Alan Dirk collection. Thought to have been taken at Bracelet Bay before 1930.

The Big Apple greets you after passing through the cutting.

Afterwards you can explore the rock pools.

Today, children in their turn enjoy the time honoured wonders of this delightful little beach, exploring the cave, building sandcastles and joining in the seaside safaris to learn more of the animals and plants, which live in its rock pools. 

     But the bathing machines and boat rides now reside only in stories handed down, as told in -.

Memories of visits to Bracelet Bay 

There was a café (shown, several years later, in the next photo) and several kiosks spaced along the landward side of The Mumbles Road at Bracelet Bay. Photo: Ronald Studden.

This café went by several names during its life. This version is named 'Jaws.,' while others remembered it as a Chinese Restuarant or the 'Knotted Handkerchief.'

The site of the café is thought to be opposite the lamppost, in the photo, just past 'The Big Apple' on Mumbles Road.

Bracelet Bay and The Tutt, with coastguard, Castellammare Restaurant and car-park, April 2010

Bracelet Bay car-park, Mumbles Hill and (a very small) Big Apple , August 2013

On the southern side of Bracelet Bay was The Castellammare Restaurant, now reopened at the end of 2022 as:
The Lighthouse Brasserie, Bar and Lounge 

 This has plenty of outdoor seating and stunning views of the bay and Mumbles Lighthouse.

The Mixon Sandbank 

The waves over the Mixon Sandbank > can be viewed from the Castellamare Restaurant terrace

Admiral Bembow, later Castellamare Restaurant, from WP Webstre.  The HM Coastguard  Headquarters can be seen on TuttHead.

Many local remember this as The Surf, run by Idris in the 1980s, who always parked his white Range Rover outside the main door., as seen here.

 Castellamare Restaurant (later The Lighthouse Bistro) at Tutt Head, with HM Coastguard, 1984.

The area before the Big Apple 

Summmer crowds on the new road, photo M A Clare, 1913.

The site of the Big Apple in earlier times, at the top of the cutting, from Roger Jones