SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Acceptance) provides a safe place for students who identify as LGBTQ and their peers to express themselves and to work towards creating a safe and accepting environment at St. Jean de Brebeuf. We work to create awareness to eliminate homophobia and homophobic language in our school community and foster respect for all persons. SAGA organizes Pink Shirt Day events annually to promote anti-bullying initiatives in the school and build a sense of community so that all students feel safe and welcome at school.

This past month, SAGA club participated in the SJB Club Fair. Students wrote positive messages on post-it notes, where they were displayed with the hopes of spreading positivity throughout the school!

We are looking forward to an awesome 2019-2020 school year, filled with many activities and initiatives to make our school community a safe, positive, and accepting place!


...Ms. D. Commisso, Teacher Advisor