Gobble Up!

Data de publicació: Dec 06, 2015 1:38:20 PM

Plymouth, pilgrim, protestant, harvest, squash, Quanto, Mayflower... since the fourth Thursday of last November our English Time students at Narcís Monturiol are familiar with these words.

We kicked off Thanksgiving, this annual tradition in the US, the UK and Canada, with easy, kid-friendly crafts.

Last year we designed a TP tube turkey. This year, we decided to provide holiday entertainment making a wonderful and simple turkey bookmark to take home. Moreover, we gave thanks in a crafty way: creating a Thankgiving gratitude garland.

Teachers also gave personalized and unique thank-you cards to each student. They felt so special! And they are so special!

Happy Thankgiving to you from INS Narcís Monturiol.

Did you know that writing about gratitude can increase optimism, life satisfaction, and positive feelings towards school? [Froh, Sefick & Emmon, 2008]