The calendar of the English Tme, with its inter-school projects during the whole academic year, puts the cap on an event out of the schools, in the Figueres sports centre. A dozen English telephone boxes welcome about 400 students from different schools in Figueres.

Our Masterclass is organized into three different tours: London, New York and Sydney. There are 10 different workshops in each tour, with a duration of 20 minutes each one. From numerology activities to song guessing games, language quizzes… For this big event, we have the collaboration of the people from Serveis Educatius de l’Alt Empordà and also “Una comarca de museu”, the network of museums in Alt Empordà. This meeting takes place the last week of May or the first one of June, if the circumstances so permit, gathering all the students the same morning.

ET Memòria.doc

Masterclass & ET Report


Masterclass Leaflet

Maserclass Poster

ET Masterclass.mp4

Masterclass at a Glance

Còpia del fitxer Sense nom 2.pdf

Masterclass Workshops Distribution