Apps you can't miss

Data de publicació: Nov 06, 2016 1:17:26 PM

The impact of information technology has revolutionised the way we live and so the way we teach. Anyway, it can be challenging to select the best free tech tools while not losing sight of our goals for student learning.

We will try to help you find creative and constructive ways to intregate technology into your class. To begin with,

we recommend you not to miss the following apps...


It is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn- any subject, in any language, on any device and for all ages!

Teachers can create fun learning games in minuts made from a series of multiple choice questions. They can also add videos, images and diagrams to the questions to amplify engagement. Students answer on their own devices (tablets, mobile phones), while games are displayed on the classroom screen.

Teachers can also choose from millions of Kahoots ready to play or adapt from other teachers all over the world.


Duolingo is an eye-catching visual style app that can help your students learn English easily and comfortably, so that doing so doesn't feel like they are studying, but rather just having fun with games, according to the "gamification" method.

As they complete lessons, they earn experience points and if they make mistakes, it takes away hearts.


Voscreen is an innovative way to learn-teach English by watching very short video clips that come from movies, music videos, commercials, documentaries and cartoons. In each clip, a phrase is said (you can choose if you want to see English subtitles or not) and students choose the translation to the short phrase. For each correct answer they get a point and move on to the next clip in the series.

It is completely free and you only need to sign up.