A cup of English Time?

Data de publicació: Apr 20, 2015 5:8:9 PM

In order to increase the English Time’s visibility we have designed a roll-up banner with our well-known English teapot and the slogan “A cup of English Time?”.

English Time roll-up displayed at SEAE

The illustration depicts a mountain of cups and the English Time teapot logo pouring letters and numbers as if it was tea. It consists of a visual metaphor in which the cups are our students, the teapot our English Time teachers and the letters and numbers represent the knowledge students can acquire using English as a vehicular language –the aim of the project.

Apart from presenting the roll-up we are very proud of, we’d like to thank Sara Salip, the Art teacher at INS Narcís Monturiol who drew it in such a short notice. She is a terrific artist!

Don’t miss her beautiful illustrations at http://sarasalip.blogspot.com.es/ and https://www.flickr.com/photos/52969208@N07/.