May 2018

A monthly e-newsletter to keep you connected to your District

Middle School Expansion Update

A lot has transpired behind the scenes since the passage of the referendum in December. So as we enter the summer months, we wanted to give you a quick update on the progress of the Middle School Expansion project.

  • Since the winter, FKA Architects have been continuously meeting, planning and designing the large scale project to turn the referendum concepts into educational reality.
  • We recently received approval from the Department of Environmental Protection for the project and we are currently awaiting final approval from the New Jersey Department of Education and the Bergen County Planning Board.
  • In the meantime, we have conducted asbestos abatements in the basement of the existing building as well as the maintenance facility on the premises.
  • Over the summer, we will install a fire suppression system in the school and demolish the garage on site in order to begin construction in the fall once a contractor is selected via a public bid as required by law.

A lot of thought and planning goes into a project of this magnitude so we can be sure we achieve our stated educational goals while attending to aspects of the design that emphasize safety, security, energy efficiency, and technological readiness.

As mentioned during our referendum presentations this fall, to get this project done in a timely manner, construction will occur during the school year. However, every effort is being made to also develop designs and plans that will minimize the impact on instruction and maximize the health and safety for all occupants of the Westwood Regional Middle School.

These photos depict the most recent renderings of the Middle School Expansion project.

WRSD embraces the use of social media for the purpose of providing our community with a glimpse into the wonderful things going on in our schools. Our schools, teachers, clubs, sports, and activities have lively feeds to keep you connected.

We've compiled a searchable list to help you Follow/Like us on social media. Use the Search boxes to narrow the list by school, class, club, team, or organization.



At the public meeting of the Board of Education on May 10, we recognized our Middle School and Jr/Sr High School Students of the Month as well as the recipient of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Leadership Award. During the meeting, we also celebrated our school-level representatives of the 2018 Bergen County Teacher Recognition Program.

During the special public report, Ken Russo, Assistant Principal at WRMS, and Danielle Councilor, Elementary Literacy Coach, provided an overview of the relaunch of our Readers/Writers Workshop initiative in grades K-7. Click here or on the presentation to find out more.

For all other Board motions, click here to view the complete agenda.

Readers Workshop Board Presentation 2018.pdf

Students of the Month for April

Alicia Di Tecco (gr 12); Madhusha Pallempati (gr 8); Samantha Deigan (gr 7); Madison Rodriguez (gr 6)

Dwight D. Eisenhower Leadership Award

Hannah Kim (gr 11)

2017-2018 Bergen County Teacher of the Year Program

Donna Kahn (HS), Mary Dominiczak (MS), Violet Duronio (George), Brian Adkins (Brookside), Blair Ross (Berkeley), Eileen Fitzgerald (Washington)

In addition to the recently adopted Board Policies listed below, any policies currently under review by the Board can found here and ALL final policies and regulations can be found on the district website under the Board of Education drop down menu.

  • P5305 - Health Services Personnel
  • P7424 - Bed Bugs
  • P7425 - Lead Testing of Water in Schools
  • P7434 - Smoking in School Buildings and on School Grounds (M)
  • P8454 - Management of Pediculosis

Student Representatives Report

Each month at our public meeting of the Board of Education, our HS student representatives, Erik Kopp and Sydney Lewis, report out on the exciting news and activity taking place at our Jr/Sr High School (Click here to view an archive of the 2017-18 student representative reports from the Jr/Sr High School.)


ESEA Stakeholder Input Survey

The Westwood Regional School District will soon apply for grant funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). As required under ESEA, we are conducting a comprehensive needs assessment in order to determine the best use of the funds. The following stakeholder groups are being consulted: teachers, administrators, parents/guardians, aides, specialized instructional support personnel, community partners/organizations, researchers, public/private entities, institutions of higher learning, local government representatives and nonpublic schools. Please review the options within this survey in order to let us know how you feel the money should be spent.

This survey will be open until Friday, June 15, 2018. Responses are completely anonymous. Your opinion matters, so please share your input.

Each month we highlight a member(s) of our school district staff who demonstrate a commitment to our motto "Excellence in Education". This month we are pleased to present ...


Speech and Language Therapist

Special Services is proud to present Irene Zito, Speech and Language Therapist as our May Staff Spotlight.

Mrs. Zito has been a dedicated member of the Child Study Team for 25 years and has devoted herself to students and staff throughout the district with unparalleled professionalism and experience. Mrs. Zito has been a vital part of the Special Services Department and is a true team player within the district as she applies her expertise within a variety of facets that include; conducting speech and language assessments, effectively articulating information to parents, serving on I&RS teams and most importantly supporting students throughout all of their classes.

Mrs. Zito offers a wealth of information using her “language” insight and breadth of comprehension regarding students’ needs and program development. In tandem with appropriately assessing and diagnosing students with language learning difficulties, she utilizes this insight in assisting I&RS teams with developing strategies and interventions for struggling students. As a result, Mrs. Zito effectively helps and supports students and staff districtwide.

Caring and compassionate are two words that can be used to describe Mrs. Zito. She is always willing to mentor new therapists by providing them with the guidance and direction they need to meet with success. Moreover, during IEP meetings she takes the time to explain her assessments in a thoughtful way that parents can understand, while also answering any difficult questions that may arise. In addition to the top notch caliber of the work she produces, Mrs. Zito is to be commended

for her ability to “connect” with each child she services, making every speech session a personalized and pleasurable learning experience. As a result her students thrive in this welcoming and engaging environment. Mrs. Zito shows great passion and pride with regards to her career and truly loves what she does on a daily basis. This is evidenced by former students often returning to visit her to share their success stories.

It is because of staff members like Mrs. Zito that make Westwood Regional School District such a special place for students to learn and grow!

You are cordially invited ...



2017-2018 Upcoming Dates


  • 14: Board of Education Meeting
  • 21: Last Day for Students
  • 21: High School Graduation
  • 22: Last Day for Staff
  • 28: Board of Education Meeting
School Calendar 2017-18.pdf

2018-2019 School Calendar

At the January 18, 2018 meeting, the Board approved the school calendar for 2018-2019. The calendar is attached for your reference and can be found on the district website, here, along with the NJ Department of Education list of religious holidays permitting student absence from school.

School Calendar 2018-2019.pdf