Kenzie Jordan

ROP Technician

About Me

My name is Kenzie Jordan and I am the ROP career technician for West Valley. I myself graduated from West Valley High School and after that got my AS degree in business at Shasta College. I recently got married last November in Hawaii to the love of my life Stephan. My husband and I also share a beautiful baby girl named Harley.

I am so pleased to be the ROP career technician for West Valley students this year. My job is to help students starting from freshman year all the way to senior year discover the path they want to take in life through self discovery, career interests, and of course hands-on experience in ROP courses. ROP is an amazing opportunity for our students because, in addition to classroom learning, CTE students have opportunities for hands-on training at local industry sites such as Shasta Regional Medical Center and the Redding Fire Department. All students earn high school credit and most are eligible to simultaneously earn college credit through Dual Enrollment with Shasta College. It is the goal of both West Valley and ROP to prepare our students to be successful adults after high school. Please think of me as your “go to” for anything ROP/career related. I would love to help in any way that I can!

My Favorite Things