Homecare Teams

On This Page:

Satellite Site Operations

Appointments for Rechecks

All appointment requests must be entered through the Lindsay scheduling system. If you have technical issues, please call or email at least 48 hours in advance of the appointment and let us know the nature of the problem. (hospital@lindsaywildlife.org | 925-627-2960)


All homecare teams and homecare volunteers please make sure your homecare records are kept up-to-date, especially final dispositions (released, died, etc.). There are multiple ways you can report dispositions:


Any homecare volunteer can enter their own Dispositions using the following webform:

If you fill out and submit this webform, you do not need to submit the paper form. In fact, it makes updating WRMD easier as we can cut/paste release locations, and don’t have to interpret handwriting on the paper forms.

You can also:

Forms for Use at a Satellite Site

These forms may be needed during operation of a Satellite Site.

Permits and Agreements

The regulatory permits and agreements required for a satellite site are in the Permits and Agreemnts section below. The documents are the same whether you are starting a new site or maintaining an existing site.


Satellite Site Permits and Agreements

Permits and Agreements to Keep at Satellite Site

Volunteer and staff Satellite Sites must maintain current copies of all applicable permits and agreements to legally provide wildlife rehabilitation Satellite Care. Some of the documents are printed out and kept at the Satellite Site, some must be signed and returned to the Lindsay.

Lindsay Wildlife Experience and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife have an arrangement (Memorandum of Understanding) that allows Lindsay Wildlife Experience (Lindsay) to rehabilitate wildlife. The MOU requires that "every paid staff member or unpaid volunteer of a wildlife rehabilitation organization who physically handles wildlife shall read [the] MOU and sign a document affirming he or she understands and shall abide by the terms and conditions of the MOU". Lindsay must keep a copy of your signed agreement (the Lindsay Copy). If you do Satellite Care, a signed copy of this agreement must also be kept with your copy of the MOU (the Satellite Care Copy) and both the MOU and agreement must be kept available for inspection at your Satellite Care site. The MOU covers only those animals officially accessioned into the Lindsay Wildlife Experience rehabilitation program. You must read the MOU whenever it is renewed (every 3 years).

Agreements to Fill-Out and Return to Lindsay

These documents need to be read, filled out, and a copy returned to the Hospital Volunteer Manager (you can also retain a copy for your records). These are forms that you can fill out on the computer, so you can click the check-box to indicate agreement, type in your name, save, and return a digital copy to: hospitalshifts@lindsaywildlife.org. You can also print them out, sign them, and paper-mail or drop them off at the hospital office.

Reference Material for Satellite Sites

You should be aware of the information in these documents, but you don't need to print them out and there is nothing to sign or return.

The "Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation" manual is published by the National Wildlife Rehabilitation Association and the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council, and outlines the standards of care and caging for wildlife rehabilitation. The MOU (described above) specifies that the Permittee (Lindsay) may possess and provide care for sick, injured, or orphaned wildlife pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 Section 679 (see below), and the "Third Edition 2000 National Wildlife Rehabilitation Association/International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation". Title 14 Section 679 also directly references the "Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation, 2000, Third Edition manual". A copy of Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation (3rd Edition, 2000) can be found at the link below as a reference. Note that the MOU also states: "Wildlife caging shall comply with the 2000 Wildlife Rehabilitation and Care Standards".

Following the Third Edition of Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation published in 2000, there have been two revisions, Fourth Edition in 2012 and Fifth Edition in 2021. To ensure that Lindsay is in compliance with future updates to the MOU or Title 14 Section 679, all new enclosures/caging must satisfy the updated standards. A copy of Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation (4th Edition, 2012) can be found at the link below as a reference.

Please consult with staff regarding...


Satellite Care Enclosure Database

With the 2017 permit renewal rehabilitation centers must report details of homecare enclosures at each satellite (homecare) location. This includes dimensions, a photo, and the species housed in that enclosure. The webforms below allow homecare volunteers to report enclosure information so we can update the permit-report database.

Enclosures to Add to Database

Use these webforms to add enclosures to the database. If the enclosure does not yet have a Lindsay Wildlife Hospital ID number then it must be entered here.

Why are there two versions of the form? Google Forms has a nifty feature that lets the person filling out the form upload an image file as a part of the form response. This is the best way to help us keep the proper picture attached to the enclosure description. However, the upload capability requires you to log in to the form with a Google/gmail account.  If you have a Google account please use the Upload Picture version of the form. Otherwise, please use the Email Picture version of the form and email the picture to us at: hospitalshifts@lindsaywildlife.org .

Transferring Enclosures to a New Location

When an enclosure with a Lindsay Wildlife Hospital ID number is transferred, use this form to report the new location. This is a much simpler form, as the dimension, description, and picture are already entered in the database.
