On-Line Videos

On-Line Video Classes

  • Links, hand-outs, archived presentation material, and quizzes for Lindsay classes

  • Links, hand-outs, archived presentation material, and quizzes for classes from other facilities

Lindsay Video Classes

Health & Safety

Core Series-Class 1

Health & Safety, Class 1 of the Core series. Required for all new volunteers. Can be viewed once every 2 years to satisfy 1.0 hour of the Wildlife Rehabilitation Continuing Education requirement.

  • The Health & Safety training starts at 7:24, using the link below should start the video at the proper timestamp.

Watch the video presentation and take the quiz:

  • Video presentation <--Link to view the presentation online

  • Quiz <--The online quiz to verify viewing and understanding of the presentation. (The quiz link is also in the YouTube video description.)

When you have viewed the presentation and completed the quiz, please notify the Hospital Volunteer Manager (hospitalshifts@lindsaywildlife.org) to receive Continuing Education credit.

California Department of Fish & Wildlife Conservation Lecture Series

Conservation and Management of the California Tiger Salamander

Originally presented April 28, 2014 by Dr. Chris Searcy

Dr. Searcy presents an overview of the natural history of this species. He addresses seasonal activity and responses to weather patterns as well as migration distances and density distribution throughout the habitat. Dr. Searcy also describes his most recent study results on hybridization with the invasive barred tiger salamander.

Lindsay hospital volunteers can use this class once for 2 hours of Wildlife Rehabilitation Continuing Education Credit. Watch the video presentation and take the quiz:

  • Video presentation <--Link to view the presentation online. Running time 1:38:21. You don't have to view it all at once, just make note of the timestamp for when you return.

  • Presentation in .pdf format <--A downloadable, printable copy of the presentation as shown in the video. The presentation is onscreen in the video, so you don't need to print out a copy unless you want to keep it for future reference.

  • Printable quiz <--You can print out a copy of the quiz and answer the questions as the topic is discussed while watching the video. You would then transfer the answers from the paper quiz to the online quiz below for evaluation.

  • Quiz <--The online quiz to verify viewing and understanding of the presentation. If you answered the questions on the printable quiz form, you can just transfer your answers to this webform.

When you have viewed the presentation and completed the quiz, please notify the Hospital Volunteer Manager (hospitalshifts@lindsaywildlife.org) to receive Continuing Education credit.