Satellite Care Updates

Updates to Satellite Care Policies and Procedures

Hospital contacts: | 925-627-2960


Appointments for rechecks are now scheduled through our Lindsay scheduling system. To enter a Vet Recheck or Tech Recheck appointment request go to:

and follow the prompts. The system will show you what times are available, and request information about you and the patients. Much more in-depth information regarding recheck appointment scheduling can be found in the Hospital Resources website: (9/17/20)

Supply requests

Email supply requests to at least 48 hours in advance. Please make it a list (not a run-on sentence) so we can print out the email and check off items when complete. Also include amounts. “Some towels” or “lots of mealworms” causes delays as we try and guess what you want, “12 bath towels” or “1 cup of mealworms” makes the process much smoother. (BTW, for future reference, there are about 1,000 mealworms per cup.) (3/12/23)

Medication requests

Email medication requests to at least 48 hours in advance. You can also request medications through the the Lindsay appointment system when you are making a recheck appointment. If you need more medication if the dose schedule is extended at the recheck, please add that information when you make the appointment. (3/12/23)

Aviary space request

All requests for birds to move to aviary space should go through the Team Leader, and from there through Marcia Metzler. Marcia knows the “all species big picture”, and juggles aviary space for multiple species. (9/17/20)

Patient monitoring, weight concerns, and moves

Patient status concerns, weight concerns, and requests for moves from one type of cage to another should be funneled through the Team Leader, who can then refer to the hospital if necessary. Team Leaders need to be notified of the status and needs of all patients under care of the Team. (9/17/20)

Return supplies

Please return satellite site supplies in a timely manner. If multiple people accumulate supplies such as towels, PortAPets, crocks, medicine bottles, enclosures, heating pads, etc. until end-of-season before returning the whole batch, we may run short of some homecare supply items.  (9/23/20)

Incident reports

An Incident Report Form must be filled out for any injury, including a bite, that occurs during Lindsay activities, even off-site. The page below has a link for the at-Lindsay version that must be printed, filled out, signed, and dropped off at Lindsay. We are working on a digital satellite care version, which will be posted on the same page when ready. (9/17/20)