Training & Continuing Education

Guide to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Continuing Education Requirement

All Hospital/Homecare volunteers are required, by the California Code of Regulations (Title 14 Section 679) and our MOU with California Fish & Wildlife, to receive 2 hours of Wildlife Rehabilitation Continuing Education per year. (Please note...if you take a class at the beginning of a year to make up for a CE lapse in the previous year, the class only counts toward the previous year. The class does not count for both years, you must also fulfill the current year's requirement.)

The sections below will show you:

  • How to monitor your progress toward the CE requirement each year

  • Ways to fulfill the CE requirement

  • A calendar of upcoming CE classes/presentations/events

Upcoming Continuing Education classes.

Click on the event to see more information.

Ways to Satisfy the Continuing Education Requirement

There are multiple ways to fulfill this requirement:

  • Step 1 or Step 2 training

  • Regularly-scheduled training classes, such as the Track Classes, Intern classes, or Hospital Assistant classes

  • Special training classes, such as the Opossum Care or Raptor Handling class

  • Wildlife rehabilitation-related biology/science/medical themed presentations, such as the guest-speaker Rattlesnake or Condor classes, or the Conservation Icons series

  • Attend a wildlife rehabilitation-related conference, such as the annual California Passerine Rehabilitators Gathering

  • OWCN (Oiled Wildlife Care Network) training classes, online or in person (see the Support Teams/OWCN page for current information)

  • Watching approved online video presentations and taking the associated quiz

  • College-level biology classes


Check Your CE Progress Using the Lindsay Volunteer System

You can check your progress for the yearly Continuing Education requirement on the “Service History” tab. Look at the "Continuing Education (Hospital Only)" column under "Service by year". Here you will see your total recorded CE hours for every year the LVS has been in use. (1/28/18)