Team Rooms

On this Page:

This page can have a section for each Homecare Team, with current information and news. Hopefully we will eventually have a better "Team Room" environment for each team.

  • Opossum

  • Crow

To be Added:

  • Squirrel


  • Current protein treats available for homecare (please only take what is currently needed): whatever is in the Treat Bin, trout (especially the bags of trout-mush)

  • Not available for homecare use at this time: smelt, mice

  • Release sites. We are in the process of digitizing the Release Book so we don't loose the information if it goes on walkabout again. We will add links to the release site information below for access away from the Lindsay. Each link shows the site description, pictures, and travel directions from the Lindsay.



Helpful background information on crows:

There are a number of resources I recommend if you want to learn more about crows:


    • "Has Success Spoiled the Crow? The Puzzling Case File on the World's Smartest Bird." Essay in Natural Acts (WW Norton 2008) by David Quammen

    • Gifts of the Crow: How Perception, Emotion, and Thought Allow Smarts Birds to Behave like Humans (Atria, 2012) and In the Company of Crows and Ravens (Yale University Press 2005), both by John Marzluff (3/20/17)