
On This Page:

  • How to find a shift that needs one-time or short-term help, and how to sign up to help ("Help Wanted" in the Lindsay Volunteer System Calendar)

  • Listing of volunteer special assignment opportunities, additional jobs beyond the regular shifts

To be Added:

  • How to report volunteer hours...or what do all those categories mean?

  • Notification procedure for when you will be absent from your shift

"Help Wanted" in the Lindsay Volunteer System Calendar

At this time, all shift openings are listed on the Help Wanted site:


On your LVS homepage, in the Calendar tab, you can view shifts that need additional help. An orange "Help Wanted" callout on the calendar indicates a shift that is in need of help on that day. Click on the orange "Help Wanted" callout to go to a schedule page, click on the green "Schedule me" button to be added to that shift on that day, the Volunteer Coordinator will be automatically notified you will be helping out.

Note: you cannot remove yourself from a Help Wanted shift closer than 14 days before the shift, which is usually before we even post it. If you need to remove yourself from a Help Wanted shift please contact the Volunteer Coordinator. (This 14-day setting is actually for the Docents, so Education has time to find a replacement for one of their education programs.)

Please keep an eye on the Calendar for opportunities to help shifts-in-need when you have some free time.

Shift Leaders--remember to let the Volunteer Coordinator know when you have a shift that needs help for a day so it can be added to the Calendar.

Shifts That Need Help

Shifts in Need-Public

Special Assignment/Extra Involvement Opportunities

We have several important, ongoing responsibilities that are small, specialized, and do not need a whole "team". These tasks would need some extra time, outside of shift, so shift duties are not affected. If someone would like to do a little outside-of-shift volunteering, we could use help with:

Donated Food Stock (position currently filled)

The cabinet in Dry Foods Storage that holds the donated canned cat/dog food and jars of baby food needs a weekly stock check. Label new donations with expiration date, organize the shelves by food type, rotate the stock so the closest-to-expiration is at the front, dispose of expired food. Takes about 10 minutes per week. (2/16/17)

Inventory (position currently filled, could use trained backup)

Check the levels of hospital husbandry items on the inventory list. Takes about 45 minutes per week, preferably Tu, W, or Th. (2/16/17)

Safety Committee

We are starting a volunteer Safety Committee that will do periodic walkthroughs to help identify potential problem areas that could impact volunteer safety. Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator if you would like to help with these inspections. (1/13/17)

Small-Scale Video Production

We need to update our training videos, and could use some volunteer help to do this during the slow season. (2/16/17)

Web Page Design

Take a look around this site. Could you help make it clearer, prettier, better organized? The design has to be done using New Google Sites, our best option for this collaborative effort. We also will need some help with the new training sites. If you have some ideas, or can help out, please let the Volunteer Coordinator know. (1/13/17)

If you are interested in any of these mini-jobs, please let the Hospital Volunteer Manager know. You will receive training for the task, and a hearty "Thank You".