Recent Emails

Recent Emails

Listed below are recent emails sent to all active Wildlife Rehabilitation/Hospital volunteers.

4/5/19: [LWH] Upcoming Volunteer Events

Volunteer Appreciation!

During the next two months, all Lindsay Volunteers are invited to participate in wonderful networking opportunities around the bay brought to you by the Lindsay Volunteer Coordinator Team. We've arranged a series of excellent events to thank you for dedicating your time, energy, and love to supporting us in connecting people with wildlife to inspire responsibility and respect for the world we share.

Upcoming Events

    • Wednesday, April 17: Visit Sulphur Creek Nature Center

    • Thursday, April 25: Potluck at Lindsay Wildlife Experience

    • Monday, April 29: Visit California Academy of Sciences

    • Monday, May 13: Visit Six Flags Discovery Kingdom

For more information, or to sign-up for Sulphur Creek or Cal Academy, please see the “Upcoming Events” page in the Hospital Resources site:

You can also contact Chris for more details.

3/23/19: [LWE] UPDATED Newcastle Survey, REQUIRED


We ended up with two circulating versions of a Newcastle Risk Management survey. Each was missing, on hindsight, relevant information. We need a form that will serve us not only for this potential outbreak, but as a permanent part of the on-boarding process. That way we will always have the information and won't have to spam everyone again in the future.

Now that we have all our ducks in a row (get it? see what I did there?) we request that ALL VOLUNTEERS AND STAFF fill out this new form, even if you filled out a previous version.

A link to this form will also be incorporated in the on-boarding paperwork pages, and on the home tab for your Lindsay Volunteer System homepage. PLEASE re-submit this form if your information changes, we will curate the responses so we always have your most current information available.

Thank you very much,

3/21/19: [LWH] Virulent Newcastle Disease in N Ca

Hello all,

As some of you may have heard, a case of Virulent Newcastle Disease (vND) was confirmed in a rooster from Alameda County on March 13, 2019. For those who aren't aware of this disease, vND is “a nearly-always fatal respiratory infection in poultry that can spread to other birds… There is no cure and the only way to stop the virus and eradicate the disease is to euthanize birds.1” Although chickens are the most commonly associated bird with this disease, “other gallinaceous birds (turkeys, peasants, grouse, quail) and psittacines (parrots, parakeets, macaws) may also be a higher risk of developing and transmitting vND2.”

In order to do our best to protect our ambassador birds and the wild birds, and to help you protect your own birds, the following protocol changes are being made effective immediately:

    1. If you have chickens, ducks, or ANY other birds on your property: please make sure you change clothes and shoes BEFORE and AFTER working with birds at Lindsay and working with your personal birds, for the safety of both Lindsay animals and your animals. We can provide personal protective equipment (PPE) such as foot booties or help set up foot baths for those who are interested.

    2. We will no longer be accepting turkeys into the wildlife hospital.

    3. We will not be able to accept any donations of products associated with poultry, including egg cartons.

    4. Any domestic and exotic birds, including rock pigeons, that mistakenly come into the wildlife hospital will need to be taken outside of the building as soon as they are identified, and any further discussion/accession/giving of contact information can continue with the bird outside the building.

    5. Per recommendations from the CDFW, we will no longer be able to transfer or recommend that rescuers transfer non-native birds (rock pigeons, Eurasian collared doves, European starlings and house sparrows) that are brought to the wildlife hospital to other facilities.

These policies may change at any time to become more or less stringent based on what happens with this disease. If you have any questions, please see Aireo, Chris, or me.

If you have chickens or other birds at your home, please use the link below to let us know what types of birds you have:

Please use the link to fill out the form again if you obtain new birds!!!

The CDFA’s biosecurity guidelines for backyard and pet birds can be found here:

Use this link to keep up-to-date on recent Newcastle news in California:

Attached to this email are information bulletins regarding vND.

Thanks for your help keeping the birds safe and healthy.



2: Virulent Newcastle Disease – Information for Wildlife Rehabilitators from Deana Clifford, Senior Wildlife Veterinarian from CDFW (see attached)

3/12/19: Peak Season Kick-Off Meeting 3/19


We will have an all hospital volunteer "Peak Season Kick-Off" meeting on Tuesday, March 19th, 6:30 - 7:30, in the Manzanita Room.

We will present on plans for the upcoming peak/baby season, including many topics requested by volunteers. Among topics to be presented:

    • Staffing

    • Organization chart, who to ask which questions

    • Shift briefings

    • Diets: new, old, and streamlined

    • Feeding charts and cage cards

    • Intake board

    • Patient care board

    • Shift assignment and shift task boards

    • Room usage

    • Recent volunteer onboarding/Volunteer Opportunities classes

    • Baby bird care & feeding training

    • Step training path and workbooks

Please let us know if there are any other topics you would like to hear about.

Thank you,