



delweiss, Edelweiss小白花,小白花

Every morning you greet me每個清晨你都向我問候

Small and white嬌小而潔白

Clean and bright清新而明亮

You look so happy to meet me你似乎很高興遇見我

Blossom of snow你是雪中之花

May you bloom and grow願你能恣意綻放成長

Bloom and grow forever 永遠的綻放與成長

Edelweiss, Edelweiss小白花,小白花

Bless my homeland forever永遠賜福我的家園

Do Re Mi之歌

Do Re Mi之歌是電影真善美(The Sound of Music)中的樂曲。

「Do」( Doe) a deer, a female deer,一隻母鹿 ,

「Re」(Ray,光線) a drop of golden sun,是一束金色陽光,

「Mi」(Me) a name I call myself,是「我」的自稱,

「Fa」(Far,遠的) a long, long way to run,要跑很遠很遠的路

「Sol」(sew縫) a needle pulling thread,是針穿線縫衣服,

「La」a note to follow sew,是「Sew」的下一個音 La,

「Ti」(Tea,茶) a drink with jam and bread,配果醬麵包喝的飲料,

And that will bring us back to do,oh—oh—oh!

So Do La Fa Mi Do Re, So Do La Ti Do Re Do

When you know the notes to sing 當你們學會這些音符之後

You can sing most anything 你們就可以唱出所有的歌