Top tips guide

Challenges of the first teaching session

Everyone feels more or less overwhelmed in the first few months at uni. This is sometimes called the ‘invisible subject’- trying to understand how everything works at uni while, at the same time taking on the academic requirements of your study load.

Some students limit their first teaching session study load to two or three subjects to give themselves time to settle in.

5 Top Tips

Balancing your workload and social life 

If you're the first in your family to go to university you may not have seen how others balance their workload, commitments and social life. Here are suggestions from students who have achieved success through their time management.

Juggling New Experiences

Managing new experiences and responsibilities as well as existing commitments can be a challenge. It helps to know how other students have managed similar situations.

Balance Your Workload

Communicate with Family and Friends

Tips for Assignments and Exams

Lectures, Tutorials and Taking it all in

Staying on track

Like athletes, most students have those times when they ‘hit the wall’ – that sudden loss of energy or motivation in a long race. Do you ever wonder how other students have made it past the challenges and roadblocks?

Finding Help and Support

Staying Positive

Taking Care of Yourself and Your Wellbeing