What is a deferred exam?

Sometimes serious misadventure, accident or extenuating circumstances may mean you cannot attend your final exam at the scheduled date and time. Depending on the circumstances, you may be eligible for a deferred exam, and be permitted to sit your final exam at a later scheduled time.

Deferred exams generally take place a few weeks after the final exams, will be held online, until further notice.

When should I apply for a deferred exam?

If you are unable to attend a final exam due to a serious illness, misadventure or other exceptional circumstance beyond your control you can apply for a deferred exam. A Deferred Exam Application must be lodged online no later than 5.00pm on the second working day after your scheduled exam.


Under the Western Sydney University Special Consideration Policy, permission to sit a deferred exam will only be granted in the event of exceptional and unavoidable circumstances where rescheduling the exam is demonstrated to be the only reasonable option. These circumstances include: 

*Note: Access to a deferred exam is a privilege and not an automatic right. As a general rule, neither pressures of work or university studies, nor other avoidable events or commitments, are sufficient reasons for deferring an exam. 

Applying for a deferred exam 

How to complete the online application?

Supporting documents

All applications for deferred exams must be accompanied by supporting documentation to substantiate the circumstances that are impacting on your studies. Applications without supporting documentation may not be considered.

Examples of the type of supporting documentation are set out in the table below. Supporting documentation must be uploaded and attached with your application when applying for a deferred exam.

If you are sick, you must obtain a medical certificate filled out by your practitioner and submit this with your application for a deferred exam. The medical certificate must:

Please note: a medical certificate stating just “illness” or “medical condition” or “medical reason” may not be sufficient.

How to submit your supporting documentation?

You must have an electronic copy of your supporting documents and submit them as part of the online process. Hard copy documents will not be accepted. Your supporting documents must be in PDF (.pdf) format and you must submit all of your supporting documentation at the same time when you submit your application.

For auditing purposes you must keep either the original or certified copy of all supporting documentation you attach for at least one year. The University conducts audits to validate the information students provide in their applications. You may be contacted anytime within one year of submitting your application and required to produce either the original or a certified copy of all supporting documentation.

When and where the deferred exams are held?

You must be available to sit the deferred exam at the scheduled date and time. There are no provisions to sit deferred exams earlier than scheduled, or for further deferral of a deferred exam.

Your School will decide whether your Deferred Exams are conducted online or in person on campus.

If your application for a deferred exam is successful, we will send an email to your student email account. You will also be advised of the release of the deferred exam timetable via your student email.

Deferred exams are not granted for: 

Students should contact their Student Advisor via email: for details.