Student Life

Welcome Newbies

September every year marks the biggest intake of new students; then, we will hold a series of events and activities to welcome freshmen and help your shift into university life as easy, enjoyable as possible. 

Welcome Day includes campus visit, academic orientation workshop “Recipes for Study Success”, as well as many other fun activities to help you make friends and get a true sense of belonging to our bold, diverse, and colorful WSU community. Newbies’ Night invites all students into an energetic concert experience, delivered by talented students and famous singers. 

Nét Chữ Trao Em Project

Nét Chữ Trao Em is a volunteer project that works to improve literacy and promote educational equity for underprivileged children in Ho Chi Minh city. Our volunteers will teach Vietnamese for children of Hoa Hao class (Tan Phu) from Monday to Friday, and teach soft skills, art, music and civic education of Rach Ong class (district 7) on Friday.

Volunteers will not only have chances to practice social work and contribute to a meaningful cause, but also improve many personal competencies through hands-on work.

BEE Volunteer

BEE Volunteer is a charity project that promotes kindness and social responsibility in the WSU community. We initiate various philanthropy activities and call for contributions such as: donating clothes to rural areas; supporting orphanages and shelters; collecting used batteries for recycling; joining hands with local committees to plant trees, and cleaning up the environment, etc.

WSU Dynamic

WSU Dynamic is the official event team of Western Sydney Vietnam. With a talented, resilient and passionate team, we take the initiative to organize engaging events for students, to strengthen our WSU community and embrace diversity. Some events we are responsible for are: Newbies’ Night, Halloween, Business Pitch, Career Branding Contest, etc.


Every year, sports activities and competitions are organized to encourage students to take care of their physical health in order to pursue a healthy and accomplished life.