View your tuition information, click HERE

Interpret the information on the tuition statement:

1. Statement summary

This section shows the accumulated summary of your tuition statement

Accumulated tuition = Sum of all billed in tuition billing section

Accumulated paid = Sum of all paid in payment history section

Total Pending (amount must pay) = Total accumulated tuition - Total accumulated paid

2. Payment history

This section records detailed payment from T2 2024 onwards

The amount (BLC) showed is the Accumulated Opening Balance as of T1 2024

If the amount is positive (+), it indicates an overpayment on your part. Conversely, if the amount is negative (-), it signifies an accumulated pending payment from previous terms. This display is opposite to what you are viewing on MyISB

3. Details of tuition billing

This section records the tuition you are billed each term, from T2 2024 onwards

Previous billing are not showed on this page

NOTE: If you have attended the Education Finance Program (EduFin) with monthly installments, you will not view the tuition fee at this site. Please follow tuition announcements and deadlines sent separately by EduFin Group.