Check program details

Check graduation eligibility

If you are near program completion, you should check your MyStudentRecord and make sure your details are correct or take necessary action to have your record correct.  You should check:

1. Program Summary Information: The total Credit Point achived must be 240

2. Check Completion status: Check if there is any overdue fee, or Active Hold must be 0 or blank or n/a; Check your full legal name, Program code (BBUS 2786; BCOM 1696, BData 3770); 

3. Personal Detail: Check your Surname + Given name if it is correct

4. Register in subjects: Go to View registration information and check if you are currently enrolled to any subjects in the coming terms

+ If there are no further subjects found, you can move on to the next step

+ If there are some subjects enrolled in the coming terms which you are no long need to take, please delete them before the graduation deadlines.

+ If there are subjects enrolled because you are taking BData Program, check and make sure its Study Path is BData-3770

If there is any problem, please contact before the advertised deadline (link HERE) to be supported.