Expectations at university

The purpose of a university is to develop new knowledge through original research and produce graduates that are professionally competent in their chosen field of study.

Attending university can be a very different experience to what you have known before. At first it can be challenging to navigate the academic expectations, social aspects, and your own wellbeing.

You will meet people from all over the world with a range of different cultural backgrounds and belief systems. It is important that you recognize the diversity that is present at university and approach all situations with respect and integrity.

Academic culture

University is a place of inquiry and learning. Not only will you learn new knowledge and skills, but you will also learn a new culture. These are some of the shared attitudes, values and ways of behaving at an Australian university:


It is expected that whilst at university you will:

Upon graduation employers will expect you to:


Some personal goals you might have when starting at university include:

Goals are achieved when you work on them. Set goals for yourself using the SMART method and work towards them. SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time bound) goals help you to define and achieve what you want to accomplish one step at a time.

Strategies to succeed

Everyone approaches their studies in their own unique way but there are some common elements that will help you succeed:

Remember, the only measure of success that matters is how you feel about your own progress and achievements. Avoid comparing yourself to others.