Graduation steps

In order to complete your program and graduate from Western Sydney University, there are 5 main steps to go through to ensure you have a seamless experience. 

Step 1: Check your program completion: If you are near program completion, you should check your MyStudentRecord and make sure your details are correct or take necessary action to have your record correct.   

+ Are your Program Details correct? Check your student record for completeness, including your details, program details, and pending tuition fee. It is your responsibility to ensure your program details are correct or have them corrected by the advertised timelines.

+ Pay for graduation: You will receive instructions on how to pay for graduation online. You are required to follow the instruction to make payment prior to the advertised timelines to be able to receive the documents in the first batch sent.

Step 2: Eligibility Review: Your application is assessed by the University to confirm that you meet the program rules and are eligible to complete your degree. If you are deemed to be eligible to graduate, you will receive further guidance on the next steps as per advertised timelines.

Step 3: Conferral: Conferral is the official University process by which student degrees are awarded after final University approval. You are considered a graduate of Western Sydney University once your conferral date has passed. This is not your ceremony date.

Once you are conferred, you will be able to order your official Graduation Documents and will also be invited to attend Graduation Ceremony 

Step 4: Graduation documents: You will receive an email inviting you to order and pay for your graduation documents online. They will be mailed to your nominated address by registered post. Graduation documents include your Testamur (degree certificate) and the Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS). Note: You will not receive your graduation documents at your graduation ceremony. 

Step 5: Graduation ceremony: All conferred students will receive an invitation to attend the next round of graduation ceremonies, normally at the Parramatta South campus. You can either attend the ceremony, defer the ceremony, or graduate in absentia. Find more details on Graduation ceremony in Australia HERE.

Furthermore, your graduation will be celebrated in Vietnam annually around August. We will communicate to conferred students via email and our official media channels at least one month in advance.

Successful completion of all these steps makes you a Western Sydney University Graduate and you are now one of our Alumni. Find out everything our Alumni team can do for you at Alumni (