Key Stage 4

[ 2024-2026]

We will try as far as possible to enable you to study the options you choose, but you must be aware that certain constraints including:

mean your preferences cannot be guaranteed.

Please be aware that only one course taught at the |College of further Education can be studied as the courses they deliver are all taught at the same time

We want you to be able to make informed, educated choices with the involvement of all concerned.

We will be explaining the options and providing guidance to you during the next few weeks. Make sure you show this website to your parents and discuss your option choices with them. You and your parents will have an opportunity to get further information and discuss matters with staff at the Year 9 Futures Evening on 1st February 2024, at which careers advice will also be available. There will also be an opportunity for you and your parents to discuss issues with your subject teachers at the Y9 Parents’ Evening on 22nd February 2024.

You are required to enter your option preferences by 29th February 2024.  Your choices should be completed via Edval Choice using the web link and password that will be shared with you on 22nd February.  All preferences entered by this date will be treated equally and there is no advantage in handing them in early. There is much to be gained by considering your options carefully and making the right choices.  You will be required to enter 6 preferences

If you require any further help or information, please speak to your Tutor, Mrs Mauger (Head of Year 9), Mrs Nichols (Head of Careers), Mr Fox (Assistant Head) or Miss Garn (Deputy Head).

In making option preferences, think carefully about the following points:

Les Varendes High School & Sixth Form Centre

Les Varendes St Andrew's, Guernsey, 

Channel Islands, GY6 8TD 

Phone: 01481 226571

Principal: Verona Tomlin

Motto: Qui veult peult (Norman French)