English (Literature)

English Literature (Waiting for Update)

Head of English:  Mrs E. Stumpf

Qualification Level and Examination Board   Level 1 and 2 AQA GCSE English Language (8702) 

How is the course assessed?

Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th century novel

40% of the exam grade

Paper 2: Modern texts and poetry. 

60% of the exam grade

What is the content of the course?

What could I study Post-16? 

English Literature is excellent preparation for further study of analytical subjects such as:

What possible careers could I have? 

English Literature opens doors to a wide variety of careers in areas such as journalism and the media, social media, publishing,  marketing and education. 

Additional information 

One tier of entry is offered, graded 1-9. 

Les Varendes High School & Sixth Form Centre

Les Varendes St Andrew's, Guernsey, 

Channel Islands, GY6 8TD 

Phone: 01481 226571

Principal: Verona Tomlin

Motto: Qui veult peult (Norman French)