Performing Arts
(Vocational Course)

Performing Arts (Vocational Course)

Head of Department Ms S Tennant (St Sampson's High)

Qualification Level and Examination Board: Level 1 and 2 WJEC Performing Arts (Vocational award) 

How is the course assessed?

What is the content of the course?

Unit 1 Performing: Reproduce an existing piece of professional/published work. 

Students can choose from one of the following disciplines:  Drama, Music, Music Technology or Musical Theatre (singing/acting/dancing). Completed in Year 10 and worth 30% of the final mark.

Unit 2 Creating:  Create and refine an original piece of work. 

Students can choose any one of the following disciplines: Devised drama, choreography, music composition, costume, lighting, sound, set design or make up. Completed in Year 10 and worth 30% of the final mark.

Unit 3 Performing Arts in Practice: Respond to a given Performing Arts industry commission. 

This will include planning the details of a performance to a given theme, promoting and pitching your ideas, evaluating and reflecting on the final outcome. Completed in Year 11 and worth 40% of the final mark.

What could I study Post-16?

What possible careers could I have?

This qualification is excellent preparation for a career on stage or screen. In addition, the caring/service professions, such as nursing, teaching and police force, also favour it as it encourages the ability to empathise with others. In addition drama could lead to a career in technical areas such as lighting and sound technician or working in the arts as an administrator, presenter, teacher, workshop leader or production assistant.

Additional information

Students are able to choose different performing arts disciplines for the different units and will be encouraged to focus on their strengths. The portfolio work will require a basic proficiency in literacy and some confidence working with computers in order to organise and present work effectively. There will be opportunities for group work but students must also be motivated and prepared to practise their skills independently. Performances will feature as a regular part of the course and students will be expected to show good teamworking skills. 

Les Varendes High School & Sixth Form Centre

Les Varendes St Andrew's, Guernsey, 

Channel Islands, GY6 8TD 

Phone: 01481 226571

Principal: Verona Tomlin

Motto: Qui veult peult (Norman French)