English (Language)

English Language 

Head of English:  Mrs E. Stumpf

Qualification Level and Examination Board Level 1 and 2 AQA GCSE English Language (8700) 

How is the course assessed?

Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing

50% of GCSE grade

Paper 2: Writers' Viewpoints and Perspectives

50% of GCSE grade

What is the content of the course?

What could I study Post-16?

English Language is an essential part of any Post 16 option whether academic or vocational in nature. 

What possible careers could I have?

English Language or adult literacy is a key element of any career. Communication and the ability to infer, interpret or ‘read-between-the-lines’ are essential to most roles. More specifically, it opens doors into journalism and media. The written word is everywhere you look, and when it’s not written, texts are created on screen. Any role involving writing or communicating orally that you can think of needs someone with a sound understanding of how language works to be undertaken well. 

Additional information

One tier of entry is offered, graded 1-9. 

Les Varendes High School & Sixth Form Centre

Les Varendes St Andrew's, Guernsey, 

Channel Islands, GY6 8TD 

Phone: 01481 226571

Principal: Verona Tomlin

Motto: Qui veult peult (Norman French)